MarineGo is a shooter survival game featuring thrilling action set pieces, smart AI, destructibility, and a fleshed out story taking place within an immersive game world .

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 33)

just a generic boring *** shooter on a gzdoom engine with fabricated reviews on moddb, like dude you could at least TRY to make those comments you posted from your 30+ alt accs believable


pretty much EVERYTHING in this game is taken from prodoomer, all of the assets taken from other games were originally used in prodoomer (which is a FREE mod btw), the only differences are the different weapon sprites, the use of the quake 2 font, the "cloud" system (which is either a virus, a phishing scam, a crypto miner, completely pointless or all of the above) and the generated levels.

some assets haven't even been changed. weapon pickup sprites are still based off of the original designs from prodoomer (which were based off of the duke nukem 64 weapons) note how the shotgun pickup in the video on this page has a wood front grip, but is completely grey in the first person view.

the developer seems to be using bots to bump the game up higher, there's nothing on youtube or the gzdoom discord or forums about this game and most of the accounts praising it are accounts made days before posting a single comment, they've also deleted my previous comment about this.
don't buy this crap, you can get everything it offers for free by playing prodoomer. it's a scam and you're only hurting yourself and other doom modders by buying this game.




It's OK


very good


Worth playing


******* AWESOME

Nice game


Very cool, liked it a lo

A pretty tough style game, quite fun too, recommended