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King Randall's Party is now under development! (It has been waiting for so long). King Randall's Party is a side-scrolling fortress defense game, where you build your defenses block by block in an attempt to prevent King Randall from looting the treasury for his nefarious ends! Such, such nefarious ends.

It's got a little ways to go, so I could use your support and feedback. Check out the video and screenshot and join the parrrtay baby (By which I mean, click the follow button and join the community. It's good for your health - do it!).

The King endorses this message.

Edit: Seems like this news didn't get connected with the games page, which you can visit -->HERE<--.

Game Released

Game Released

News 1 comment

Marathon Monk has been released on XBox Live (for XBox360) and on Windows Phone! Make sure to check it out.

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