Loot Burn Kill Repeat is a free to play sci-fi action/rpg with a focus on fast-paced combat.

Shrieks of pain echoes in the corridors as a curious infection spread throughout the IGCC station, turning all living things into blood craving monsters. You will soon come to realize that it is up to put an end to the obscure events and save the remaining survivors from the horrors.


  • Take the role of a true monster slayer, play as the cryptic, technician or soldier and progress through the world, destroy your enemies in fast-paced and gory combat, with the help of your powers and mythical equipment
  • Massacrate your enemies with elements of fire, ice, shock and poison, shake the world or summon technological minions and a whole lot more with the help of your hero’s special powers.
  • Journey through a variety of randomized 3D environments taking you from the IGCC space station to deep within the planets core, packed with blood-thirsty creatures. Face a wide array of monsters and gather randomized and procedurally generated loot and survive randomized world events.
  • Explore the world to uncover what caused the terror that plagues the IGCC, or to reveal secret locations, loot, events or maps and accomplish it’s challenges to unlock secret character classes and loot of devestating power. Revisiting the same location is never a bad idea in!
  • Customize your character with equipment and modified powers.
    Find rare monsters and world events as you explore the environment to find mythical and unique equipment or scavenge resources from the monsters you kill to upgrade your arsenal.
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Demox #2 - A new world


First of all let's talk about the world itself. During early prototyping I intended to have the player control a demon who wanted to reach heaven, taking the player on a linear path from the underworld to heaven. Most of this has been trashed now though, you will still take on the role of a small demon however, the story begins in the human realm, which the demons have invaded and nearly conquered. As the war has been raging for a few years, this small demon gets home-sick. The demon had no desire to invade the human realm in the first place, so he decide that he will stop fighting the humans, and instead put up his best efforts to make it back home somehow.

A section of the first dungeon created for Demox, seen from within the editor.

In my previous project I created "map chunks" that were placed randomly with a layout-mask to determine what type of blocks could be placed where. This made each playthrough slightly more random and new, but I also felt that it was difficult to create very interesting maps with this method, I weren't able to use lightmaps properly either. For Demox I'm going to try creating each map by hand, while the game sessions will be alot less randomized I believe that the maps will be more interesting and fun to play through, and I can optimize them more easily aswell.

One of my goals that I felt I needed to go for this time is to create a more appealing world than what I did for Loot Burn Kill Repeat. I did feel comfortable with the LBKR-world in itself and the idea behind it however I feel that I failed somewhat in the presentation. In the end I felt it was just a dead world with monsters and the player fighting them off on your own.

.Interactivity For a Better World

To go through some of the decisions I've made to help me along the way to make this game world feel more interesting and involving than the LBKR-world;

Cloth physics collision and rigidbody controlled light sources.

I'm making alot more use of Unity's built-in Cloth Physics component this time, to simulate both character clothing and some geometry such as curtains, tents etc. That will collide and be affected by the player character, furthermore, alot of the objects around the world will be possible to interact with, either by pushing around, carrying, destroying or using as a weapon or shield.

Prototype of an interactive contraption intended for a dungeon puzzle

Also some more (passive) interactions are included, as an example I've created a shader that allow foliage to wrap around characters when they step near it, eg. bushes or grass will move away or be pushed downward when stepped on.

Foliage wrapping aswell as a physics-based bridge in-game

I'm also going to test how well it would work to have more of the environment react to combat, both with destructible objects such as I wrote for LBKR, but also more subtle details like if trees or shrubs are damaged, have leaves fly around. And also to let different natural elements react to damage types, eg. Water would extinguish fire, but greatly increase electric damage.

Some more cloth simulation

Briefly returning to physics, I've just recently finished writing a water system to help me handle collisions and interactions with water in the game. If characters walk in water for example, water particle effects will follow the character and the character's move speed is reduced depending on how deep the water is. If the water is too deep to reach the bottom the character will start swimming (or drown, if out of breath or don't know how to swim)
Furthermore, some impact fx for attacks or objects have an alternative effect when beeing used in a water volume. I will go through this water system more thoroughly in another article that I'll post soon, since this system has ended up beeing quite extensive on it's own.


The AI is another subject that I will go more into depth in an upcoming article, but let's list at least a few of my decisions and ideas here aswell since the AI will likely be a major part of making the world a better place than the LBKR world!

First and foremost, friendly AI will engage enemy AI. Since there are two sides fighting one another and that most map will include both human characters and demons those two factions must be able to fight eachother just as if an enemy AI would encounter the player. I also want to make it possible for the player to recruit NPC's in safe zones as followers who will help the player fight enemies.

Friendly AI fighting hostile AI in-game.

Another idea I've been thinking alot about is the possibility for the player to kill friendly AI. Most of the friendly AI are human characters (Since the demons see the player character as a deserter and/or traitor.) but since the player's a demon the humans would naturally be sceptical toward the player in the beginning, and the player would have to help the humans first in order to build up some trust.
The idea is that killing a friendly AI could give the player an opportunity to claim great items or other rewards by killing the character- but it would greatly reduce the player's reputation and trustworthyness, also if other NPC's notice the player murdering their friends or stealing items from camps they should obviously engage or be upset by the player. This could also open up for alternative game endings!

Environmental traps, hidden in plain sight

There are some obstacles that need to be adressed though!

How to avoid accidental NPC kills?
One idea could be to have the NPC punch the player back one single time if the player only attack the NPC one single time, and avoid trying the kill the player unless he/she feel threathened.

How should I properly notify the player that his choice to kill an NPC may have an impact on the game and story progression?
Which also includes the next obstacle:

What if the player kill an NPC who will give the player a future quest for story progression?
An idea to overcome this obstacle could be to make those NPC's so powerful that it's more or less impossible for the player to kill them. This solution could feel limiting to the player though if all other NPC's can die except those of importance no matter how much the player wants them dead.

An alternative solution could be to just ignore the issue and expect the player to solve the story quest with no guiding hand,forcing the player to explore and discover what to do to progress with a blindfold on. Which regarding the penalty of killing a friendly AI is quite good in my opinion- but I expect it could be frustrating for most players and remove some, if not all joy, to be forced to run around clueless in the world with no idea what to do... it's all just speculation at this stage though.

A third alternative for this obstacle could be for the AI to drop a journal when killed that hold mission information or pages with information what must be done, sort of replacing the AI's storyline so that the player would still be offered the same information and guidance.

I'm quite sure I'll notice more obstacles as I continue to think about this mechanic.

A blacksmith, working his (apparently invisible) steel

While still on the topic of AI, most of the NPC's will have tasks to do in this game, unlike what I did for LBKR where all NPC's in the safe zones just stood around doing nothing at all. As covered already, AI will react to other AI of other factions when encountered, but while not engaged in combat I want them to move around the environment with some sort of purpose and work.
I will return to this subject in a future article when I've designed the system more thoroughly.

Item shops, will be a common sight in human camps and when encountering wandering merchants.

The player will be able to purchase items from shops at different camp sites, similar to what I implemented for Loot Burn Kill Repeat. Although the shops will only hold 3 – 4 items at the time in stock, and instead of a buring UI window as I used in LBKR I'm trying to keep things more interesting this time, the items are displayed in the shop in realtime, and the player can purchase them by simply clicking on the item.

There will be only a few types of items that can be found, namely Armors, weapons and quest items/keys.

Items are not randomly generated and dropped when a monster is killed like in LBKR, instead if an enemy is wielding an axe when he dies, the axe will be dropped. Otherwise to find items the player must search around the game world, they can be found both at pre-defined locations in the map or by searching chests.

There are also special types of weapons, there are currently only two of these implemented but I intend to extend this list along the way.

Some items have special functionality, such as torches that can help the player illuminate dark environments

  • Limbs: by dismembering enemies in combat you will be able to pick up the detached body part and use it to slap other enemies with. This has no special purpose to be honest, but was simply a weird and funny idea I had.
  • Torches: Apart from using as a weapon it can also be used to set certain types of objects in flames and to get better vision in dark places.

While I won't write as extensive item system this time as for my previous project I'ld still like to have a slight procedural adjustment to items, especially when dropped from chests or when an AI spawn with a weapon.

I've not yet decided exactly how this should be done or what properties to adjust at runtime but my goal is to include item rarities like in LBKR but that could symbolise the item's condition instead? I also intend to make some items breakable, rendering the item useless once the item finally break

Another feature that I actually have implemented at this time already is to let AI characters collect weapons from the game world and use them in combat. I will cover this more in depth in my next article centered around the AI though, since this one became quite long.

LBKR v2.32 Release

LBKR v2.32 Release


Hello again everyone! I'm glad to say that I finally managed to fix the weird UI behaviour for LBKR, and with that said it's time to publish the 2.32...

Two steps forward, One step back

Two steps forward, One step back

News 1 comment

Hello again! I thought I was one with all necessary coding for the upcoming update 2.32 for LBKR about two weeks ago, so had put it aside, spending the...

Fixing bugs and improving content!

Fixing bugs and improving content!


Hello again! Been about a year since I last updated Loot Burn Kill Repeat, but after I played it for a bit again I noticed a quite large pile of things...

LBKR 2.31 Final Release

LBKR 2.31 Final Release

News 5 comments

Hello everyone! This is the 50th post I write regarding LBKR updates, releases and plans, unfortunately it might be my last one aswell, atleast for any...

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LBKR v2.32 Linux

LBKR v2.32 Linux

Full Version 1 comment

Loot Burn Kill Repeat, v2.32, Full Game, OS: Linux

LBKR v2.32 Full Game

LBKR v2.32 Full Game

Full Version

Loot Burn Kill Repeat v2.32, Full Version, OS: Windows

Loot Burn Kill Repeat 2.31L

Loot Burn Kill Repeat 2.31L

Full Version 1 comment

Loot Burn Kill Repeat v2.31 Final Release | OS: Linux | Format: .rar |

Loot Burn Kill Repeat 2.31

Loot Burn Kill Repeat 2.31

Full Version

Loot Burn Kill Repeat v2.31 Final Release | OS: Win | Format: .rar |

Loot Burn Kill Repeat 2.30f1L

Loot Burn Kill Repeat 2.30f1L

Full Version 1 comment

Loot Burn Kill Repeat v2.30 .f1, OS: Linux, Format: .rar

Loot Burn Kill Repeat 2.30f1

Loot Burn Kill Repeat 2.30f1

Full Version

Loot Burn Kill Repeat v2.30 .f1, OS: Win, Format: .rar

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 22)
zyelor - - 2 comments

I decided to give this game a shot but ran into a couple of issues; hopefully they can be resolved by the developer.

The win download (.rar file) was extracted and launched without problem, however, after creating the profile the game would not play. Tried creating multiple profiles with different characters. Error log shown an exception thrown when it was not able to find the "CharQDB.xml" file.

Suspected a failure to read due to permissions, elevated permissions which still failed. Checked file location, determined file does not exist.

Went with the win installer download (.exe file) which installed properly, however, the data folder is not named properly by the installer and required renaming to show the version (230) for the game to detect it. Identical profile issues with win installer as win download when trying to start game after profile creation.

At this point, I simply uninstalled and gave up. The uninstaller does no housekeeping by the way, I had to delete the data folder and profiles manually.

Best of luck, game looks interesting.

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Kakburk Creator
Kakburk - - 61 comments

I've now uploaded an updated build of 2.30, Installer excluded- I've not yet had time to fix the issues you pointed out with it but as soon as it's done I'll have the installer uploaded as well!

Thanks again for notifying me about these problems! Much appreciated!

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zyelor - - 2 comments

Gave the version 229 a try since the files are still available. Profile created successfully and was able to reach the play game screen. Checked files and noticed "CharQDB.xml" was created this time. Exited version 229 and reacquired version 230. Launched 230 and loaded existing profile from version 229. Version 230 was able to reach the play screen.

So the current error resides with version 230 failing to create "CharQDB.xml".

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Kakburk Creator
Kakburk - - 61 comments

Thanks for notifying me about this and for investigating the issue!
I will look into this ASAP and hope to have a fix release in a few days

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Shunkun - - 3 comments

hey, any possible way i can get a hold of this? seems pretty epic.

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Kakburk Creator
Kakburk - - 61 comments

The game is available to download both from here on iDB aswell as on the LBKR website ( Lootburnkillrepeat.wordpress.com )

As far the 2.26 update I estimate it will be released sometime in mid- or late May this year. 2.26 has been in development since November 2017 so by now there's been loads of changes, fixes and updates- and gameplay tips, hints and tooltips have been greatly improved to help new players so stay tuned! :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
azultain1999 - - 1,445 comments

hey hi, how play the game i can't launch one party and what is " token "? when i log me i can't in the game

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Kakburk Creator
Kakburk - - 61 comments

The left part of the login-menu is there if you wish to log in with your GameJolt account Token. If you don't have a Gamejolt token you can still play the game by not loging in and instead simply click "Create Character" and setup your new character.

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azultain1999 - - 1,445 comments

when i log in with my account that say: wrong username or token and if i wanna launch in offline mode, that do nothing and when i create a new character after i have this


and i can do nothing

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Kakburk Creator
Kakburk - - 61 comments

Press the "azultain" button from the profile list (middle window) and then press the button "Load selected profile" :) and it should work.
From there on, simply click the "Play" or "Tutorial" button.

I will try to make the main menu less confusing with the GameJolt login stuff for the next update! :)

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azultain1999 - - 1,445 comments

that don't run when i do that ! nothing is happening

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Kakburk Creator
Kakburk - - 61 comments

Thanks for notifying me on this!
I did some debuging and noticed just now that the GameJolt login breaks Data saving, if no profile already exist atleast.

It seems like I've forgotten to do some checks if the directory in which the game saves all the data to exists or not for the GameJolt config file, which in return breaks the game's Save/Load functionality.

Try restarting the game and create another new character, this time don't sign in with GameJolt and it should work.
I'll make sure to have this issue fixed this weekend!

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azultain1999 - - 1,445 comments

still don't run :/

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Kakburk Creator
Kakburk - - 61 comments

That's odd.
Try opening your personal folder (My documents on Windows, home on Linux)
Then go to the folder "My games" from there and delete the folder named "LBKR".
Try restarting the game and Again, create à character without loging on to gamejolt.

If It still doesn't work after that, go to the folder of LBKR and open the sub-folder "LBKR-Data". Look for à filé named output_log.txt and send it's content to me in a PM. :)

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azultain1999 - - 1,445 comments

still don't run, ok i send you that

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Kakburk Creator
Kakburk - - 61 comments

Thanks! I Will have this problem fixed within the next 24 hours :) sorry for the inconvenience

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azultain1999 - - 1,445 comments

ty !

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