Condition Zero: Deleted Scenes is a game developed by Ritual Entertainment, which acts as an expansion pack to Counter-Strike: Condition Zero. It makes up a series of eighteen unconnected single-player missions, with blazing fast action and intense firefights. It includes new weapons and re-skinned and re-animated versions of Counter-Strike weapons.

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Hello again dear followers of this project! It has been a while since I uploaded a new update of information about the development of this mod... since many things have happened in my personal life such as work and studies and I don't have much free time left to work on the mod, but still I will comment and clarify some things about the decisions and progress we are making in the mod!:

First question: what the hell happened with the discord?


Some were already mentioning this question, and the Dead Scenes discord had to be deleted, since someone accessed my discord account and to avoid possible scamming, bot spam, information theft, etc. I decided to delete the discord immediately to protect the members that were there...

Currently I already recovered my account and made several security fixes (such as password change and two-step verification), so don't worry for me <3, but even so the next server that is made on the project will have a better security verification to avoid these possible attacks in the future, and speaking of the future.... the future discord will be launched together with the new build of the project! and there is the next question...

Second Question: When will the next build be published?

Counter Strike Dead Scenes Logo

This is perhaps one of the most difficult questions to answer, since as I said before, it is difficult to put a specific date on the next exit of the project since I have little time to work on it... but, let's say that at least, the next build is going to come out this year (in August more specifically) so that you have some content while i continue working on the mod. (and no... Dead Scenes is not dead yet!)

Third Question: why is the first build that was released not possible to download now?

Dead Scenes

simple... what happens is that build was released not as a "demo" version or something playable. That build was released as a sample of the "prototype" of what would be Dead Scenes in the future, since that build used a large part of the code from the original Deleted Scenes (and we want to create new code as soon as possible for the base game). This is why we decided to delete the downloads of that build to leave something like a "Closed Beta".

Extra Question: in 2019 a Facebook page was launched about the project, what became of that page?


Those who are loyal followers of the mod will remember that in 2019 a Facebook page was made about the mod, we decided to change to MODDB due to the flexibility that this page has to personalize and add new content, so it was easier for people to find out about news and updates like this, Also... it wouldn't make much sense to have 2 different pages to disseminate 1 information, right?

Now that these questions have been clarified, I would like to tell you what is new that will come to the project so that you are prepared!

First news: We are moving to STEAM!


Yup, as you read it... we decided to make this decision since VALVe is sending cease and desist letters to several projects created by the community (R.I.P Team Fortress 2 in Source 2) so to avoid legal problems with the company it will now be necessary to have steam installed on your PC to be able to play the mod,
What is still not clear is; Will you need a legal copy of Half-Life or Counter-Strike Deleted Scenes? Well... the rest of this question will be answered As the project progresses!, for now we are not sure what the base game will be :'3

Second news: Dead Scenes will have its own OST!


I am pleased to tell you that work is being done so that the game has its own soundtrack, which will be present in various parts of the game, such as in the mode survival, campaign mode, main menu, etc. The soundtracks will be varied, from Jazz music, to PoP, then Dubstep and finally Rock/Metal. they can
Guess who will be the singer of some tracks?... short answer: ME!, so please don't make fun when the time comes to hear me sing HAHA.

Third news: The game will have new content every 2 weeks!


We decided to make this choice because otherwise the game would be totally repetitive and monotonous, it wouldn't make much sense so continue playing it if everything is going to be completely the same... so with this decision we could also fix some adjustments that we had planned to add for future events!, even so... It will take time to implement this decision, since the game must first be in some "public beta" mode to be able to deliver the prizes for those events. without mentioning that now they would be working overtime both on the development of the new content and on the development of the mod itself.

Extra News:


Thanks to the fact that there were many people excited about the development of this mod, several wanted to apply to be vocal actors of the mod, which is super good!, i listen to the work samples they did with their voices and the result is magnificent! However... we are not ready to add vocal actors even to the game :c, since first we need to work in the campaign mode and as an extra merit we need to have the money necessary to pay for the services of these people (Ronald, if you are reading this, I want you to know that I haven't forgotten you, I'm just a bit short on time and money :'D)

We want talents like these people to be recognized and well rewarded, since I believe that putting them only in the credits is something small compared with what they can really do!

And these would be all the news that would be coming soon to the project, this newsletter was going to be delivered on the same day as Counter-Strike Deleted Scenes's birthdate. about 1 month ago (03/23/04) but for the time reasons i mentioned above it became impossible for me to write it in time :c, anyway...
Happy Belated Birthday Counter-Strike Deleted Scenes! <3, and I hope that with this news you can inform yourself a little about the doubts you had about the creation of this project, thanks for reading and I hope to see you in a future newsletter, hopefully before August!


hola de nuevo queridos seguidores de este proyecto!, ya hacia tiempo que no subia una nueva actualizacion de informacion acerca del desarrollo de este mod... ya que han pasado muchas cosas de mi vida personal como el trabajo y los estudios y no me queda mucho tiempo libre para trabajar en el mod, pero aun asi
les comentare y aclarare unas cosas acerca de las decisiones y avances que estamos haciendo en el mod!:

Primera pregunta: que rayos paso con el discord?


esta pregunta algunos ya la estaban mencionando, y es que el discord de Dead Scenes tuvo que ser eliminado, ya que alguien accedio a mi cuenta de discord y para evitar posibles scammings, spam de bots, robo de informacion, etc. decidi eliminar el discord de manera inmediata para proteger a los integrantes
que estaban alli...

actualmente ya recupere mi cuenta e hice varios arreglos en la seguridad (como cambio de contraseña y verificacion en dos pasos), asi que no se preocupen por mi <3, pero aun asi el siguiente servidor que se haga sobre el proyecto va tener una mejor verificacion de seguridad para evitar estos posibles ataques en el futuro, y hablando de futuro.... el futuro discord se lanzara junto a la nueva build del proyecto! y hay queda la siguiente pregunta...

Segunda Pregunta: Cuando se hara publica la siguiente build?

Counter Strike Dead Scenes Logo

esta es quizas una de las preguntas mas dificiles de responder, ya que como dije anteriormente, es dificil poner una fecha especifica a la siguiente salida del proyecto ya que tengo poco tiempo para trabajar en el... pero, digamos que como minimo, la siguiente build va a salir este año (en agosto mas especificamente) para que asi tengan algo de contenido mientras se sigue trabajando en el mod. (y no... Dead Scenes no esta muerto aun!)

Tercera Pregunta: porque la primera build que fue lanzada no es posible de descargar ahora?

Dead Scenes

sencillo... lo que sucede es que esa build fue lanzada no como una version "demo" o algo jugable. esa build fue lanzada como muestra del "prototipo" de lo que seria Dead Scenes en un futuro, ya que esa build usaba gran parte del codigo del Deleted Scenes original (y queremos crear codigo nuevo lo mas posible para el juego base). es por esto que decidimos borrar las descargas de esa build para dejar algo asi como una "Closed Beta".

Pregunta Extra: en el 2019 se lanzo una pagina de facebook sobre el proyecto, que fue de esa pagina?


los que sean fieles seguidores del mod recordaran que por el 2019 se hizo una pagina en facebook sobre el mod, decidimos cambiar a MODDB por la flexibilidad que tiene esta pagina para personalizar y agregar contenido nuevo, asi era mas facil que las personas se enteraran de noticias y actualizaciones como esta,
ademas... no tendria mucho sentido tener 2 paginas diferentes para difundir 1 sola informacion, verdad?

Ya una vez aclaradas estas preguntas me gustaria decir lo nuevo que vendra al proyecto para que esten preparados!

Primera noticia: Nos Mudamos a STEAM!


sip, como lo leyeron... decidimos tomar esta decicion ya que VALVe esta enviando cartas de cese y desista a varios proyectos creados por la comunidad (R.I.P Team Fortress 2 in Source 2) asi que para evitar problemas legales con la compañia ahora sera necesario tener steam instalado en tu pc para poder jugar al mod,
lo que aun no queda claro es; se necesitara una copia legal de Half-Life o de Counter-Strike Deleted Scenes?, bueno... el resto de esta pregunta sera respondida a medida que el proyecto avance!, por ahora no estamos seguros de cual sera el juego base :'3

Segunda noticia: Dead Scenes Tendra su propia OST!


me complace decirles que se esta trabajando para que el juego tenga su propia soundtrack, la cual va a estar presente en varias partes del juego, como en el modo
survival, el modo campaña, el menu principal, etc. las soundtracks seran variadas, desde musica Jazz, pasando a PoP, luego Dubstep y Finalmente Rock/Metal. pueden
adivinar quien sera el cantante de algunas tracks?... respuesta corta: YO!, asi que por favor no se burlen cuando llegue el momento de escucharme cantar HAHA.

Tercera noticia: El juego tendra nuevo contenido cada 2 semanas!


decidimos tomar esta eleccion ya que si no, el juego seria totalmente repetitivo y monotono, no tendria mucho sentido entonces seguir jugandolo si todo va a ser completamente igual... asi que con esta decisión tambien podriamos arreglar algunos ajustes que teniamos pensados añadir para los eventos futuros!, aun asi... tomara tiempo implementar esta decisión, ya que primero el juego debe de estar en algun modo de "beta publica" para poder entregar los premios de esos eventos. sin mecionar que ahora se estaria trabajando tiempo extra tanto en el desarrollo del nuevo contenido como en el desarrollo del mismo mod.

Noticia Extra:


gracias a que hubieron muchas personas entusiasmadas por el desarrollo de este mod, varios quisieron postularse para ser actores vocales del mod, lo cual esta super bien!, escuche las muestras de trabajo que hicieron con sus voces y el resultado es magnifico!, sin embargo... no estamos listos para añadir actores vocales aun al juego :c, ya que primero necesitamos trabajar en el modo campaña y como merito extra necesitamos tener el dinero necesario para pagar por los servicios de estas personas (Ronald si estas leyendo esto, quiero que sepas que no te e olvidado, solo que estoy algo corto de tiempo y dinero :'D)

queremos que talentos como los de estas personas sean reconocidos y bien recompenzados, ya que creo que ponerlos solo en los creditos es algo pequeño comparado con lo que en verdad pueden hacer!

Y estas serian todas las novedades que habria proximamente en el proyecto, este boletin informativo iba a ser entregado el mismo dia del cumpleaños de Counter-Strike Deleted Scenes hace ya como 1 mes (23/03/04) pero por los motivos de tiempo que menciones anteriormente se mi hizo imposible poder escribirlo a tiempo :c, en fin... Feliz Cumpleaños atrasado Counter-Strike Deleted Scenes! <3, y espero que con estas noticias puedan informarse un poco sobre las dudas que tenian sobre la creacion de este proyecto, gracias por leer y espero verlos en un futuro boletin informativo, con suerte antes de agosto!

Hardships and delays

Hardships and delays

Condition Zero: Dark Winter

An update on the state of Dark Winter as well as an explanation.

So... What's New?

So... What's New?

Counter-Strike Dead Scenes

With This Article i try to give a FeedBack for the comunnity about the project's creation progress!

Sorry for the delay...

Sorry for the delay...

Counter-Strike Dead Scenes

With this article, I apologize and clarify certain points about the development of the game.

INTRODUCING: Counter-Strike Dead Scenes!!!

INTRODUCING: Counter-Strike Dead Scenes!!!

Counter-Strike Dead Scenes 3 comments

This is the most ambitious Mod for Counter-Strike, adding more than 14 game modes, new models, textures, new graphic improvements, better A.I and enchanced...

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Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 29)
PsyWarVeteran - - 2,008 comments

Technically this a HL mod, and a damn good one at that, highly recommended.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
doitall - - 478 comments

I can't believe how I long went without playing this stellar game 🤯 this is easily one of the most high-quality GoldSrc experiences you can have! Beautiful animation work, improved NPC AI, and a shocking amount of gametime on top of that! This is absolutely worth playing through if you haven't tried it already, grab it on Steam and give it a shot! 😁👍

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JohnTheJugs - - 48 comments

please release the source code for modders!

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NitroExpress - - 118 comments

the REAL DELETED parts are: crossbow + poison bolt, molotov cocktail,glow stick, jumping mines like bouncing betty, explosive belt and ALOT MORE. than this low excuse came out. i still own the magazine were all promised items items are listed.
i felt so cheated on this game.
new map new player model + a lame single player...acts as poor propaganda. wow
lazy f****.
ppl do better free mod´s than what they have "made" to sell.

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JohnTheJugs - - 48 comments

Magazine name?

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JohnTheJugs - - 48 comments

forget it, here is it :3

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Guest - - 699,948 comments

Even though there's no crossbows, molotovs, or grenade launchers, (why would you need a glow stick if you have a flashlight and nightvision googles?) previously unused weapons like the M60 and the LAW are in the game. Other stuff like explosive belts and mines are exclusive to the Terrorists, which are always your enemies.

Besides, this game is called "Deleted Scenes", not "Deleted Weapons".

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Rinnr - - 910 comments

Why this separate from the original CZ?

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h3adl3sscorps3s - - 692 comments

because its a different game

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Guest - - 699,948 comments

What The Link of Deleted Scenes ?

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