On a routine exploration mission in 2190 A.D., science vessel FMM UV discovered a planet with suitable climate for humankind. During the initial scouting expedition, this young planet, code-named FMM UV-32, was declared inhospitable for colony life, due to its unstable terrain and immense population of prehistoric reptiles.

RSS Reviews

Green_Cryo says

May contain spoilers Agree (1) Disagree

This is a Certified hoodclassic


TyrantHunter14 says

Agree Disagree

This is the start of the trilogy, it can't be given a bad rating, it's fun and good. I Recommend playing it if you can!

If you wanna hear my in-depth review, here it is:
The maps have good detail with pixels being added to improve it. Ambient Unhuntables is what makes this game specifically unique, I Have played ALOT of hunting games, and they never have ambient dinosaurs, making the game feel empty and alone, with ambients in the carnivores trilogy, the game feels more comfortable and fun to play, and chasing a moschops will never get old to me.
Tho this game uses ranks and not points to see what weapon you can have, who you can hunt and other thing, which doesn't give this a solid 10, this also includes the small selection of weapons and dinosaurs to hunt from, that's one thing that makes carnivores 2 better. For such a time, realism was very good for the game, mortal zones... precison, name whatever you want. Now, for my final rating.
I'm leaving this at a solid 9.


Guanlong says

Agree Disagree

This is a Certified hoodclassic


Unrealhalo says

Agree Disagree

A classic.


Tormer says

Agree Disagree

An amazing hunting game for its time. 3D dinosaurs with good sound effects and well done animations, realistic maps with atmospheric ambient sounds-fogs and spectacular weapons made it a fun and a great hunting game that turned into a classic dinosaur game over time (even, it was ported to modern platforms too like Android). what I didn't like about the game is that there should be more species to hunt and ambient dinos too. The weapons are few (only 3 weapons for your hunts). And the Triceratops should have an animation when it kills the hunter.
Also, it would be better if they added an option to have double ammunition and a supply ship too(these features were added later for its sequels).


WendigoAndHuldra says


Rexhunter99 says