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This FAQ is here to help you learn how to use the site.
Status: may be stale. Editors: state,tmpchaos,


    1.1 New

      1.11 NEW Site Features

      1.12 FAQ Meta

      1.13 Most Viewed Topics

      1.15 History of the Site

      1.2 The Site

      1.5 TOS - Terms of Service


        2.3 ISP Reviews

        2.5 Moderation

        2.7 Creating FAQs

        3. Forums

        3.1 Posting Messages

        3.13 Searching

        3.15 Attachments

        3.2 Icons Used on the Site

        3.4 Submitting News

        3.6 Deprecated Pages

        4. Accounts

        4.1 Avatars

        4.3 Stars Trinkets Spinners and points

        4.45 Posting Sigs

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        4.7 Other Site Features

        4.8 Instant Messages

        4.9 Add your network description


          5.1 Java/Windows/Browsers

          5.2 Finding DSL via DSLreports

          6. ISP Listings

            6.1 Prices and USF

            7. Advertising

            8. Hardware Knowledgebase


            • Contributers: Monica See Profile (2), cabana See Profile (1), drake See Profile (2), MrFixIT6 See Profile (2), trinity0 See Profile (2), almex See Profile (1), fourboxers See Profile (3), JMGullett See Profile (3), Kirin See Profile (1), justin See Profile (62), DSmithLady See Profile (2), ColdinCbus See Profile (2), cinnamon See Profile (2), mjf See Profile (2), connellyg See Profile (2), Steve See Profile (2), NoVA_CoxUser See Profile (2), bokamba See Profile (1), state See Profile (19), wheelert$93 See Profile (2), Serenity See Profile (2), Flagger See Profile (6), pike See Profile (6), tmpchaos See Profile (51), KeysCapt See Profile (494), MacGyver See Profile (2), Gargoyle See Profile (2), Fudus See Profile (2), hacheelle See Profile (6), Coriolis3 See Profile (2), lordmage See Profile (2), removed See Profile (2), Optimized See Profile (2), DrTCP See Profile (2), aefstoggaflm See Profile (2), Riss_Centaur See Profile (2).
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