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Any ISP can open a direct support forum on-site here and help customers directly and efficiently.
  • Secure
  • Data automatically deleted over time
  • Private - only the customer, and designated staff can see and respond to an individual issue.
  • Easy to use for both staff and the customers
  • Familiar forum style, topic and post interface
  • 99.999% uptime, even if your ISP is down, the support forum is not.
  • Mobile ready
  • No adverts (unlike Twitter and Facebook)
  • Templates to help customers post their issue
  • Customers can see support activity, and where they are in the queue
  • Alerts via email for new topics or responses
To open the forum (if you are the appropriate ISP owner or employee) we just need business proof of identity, the name of the ISP, a logo, and the designated employees who will staff the forum. Please contact us to take the next step. https://www.dslreports.com/contacts

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