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Review by Donut See Profile

  • Location: Romulus, Wayne, MI, USA
  • Cost: $66 per month
  • Caps of 1229 gigabytes/month
They keep the upgrades coming and have IPv6 support.
Costs keep climbing and data caps
Shop around if you can. Comcast isn't the worst choice if you have no choice
Pre Sales information:
Connection Reliability:
Tech Support:
Value for money:
(ratings below consensus)

In the area I live in we have Comcast and well Comcast. DSL is not offered in most of our city. We are subscribed to the 6 Mbps DOWN/1 Mbps UP connection. We have Cable,Internet and Digital Phone thru Comcast. It runs us about $150 per month. We started out with Media One for broadband and they were bought out by Comcast a few years later, but installation wise when we got the Digital Phone they sent out a Contractor who screwed up the installation and we had to have a Comcast tech come out and fix it. We were given a Arris Modem witch controls the internet and phone service.

Update: We got Tired of paying an arm and leg. So we called and asked them for the triple play price. They no longer offer it. Thats when they told us we have been with them for 7 years and they were nice to upgrade our digital cable so now we have like a lot more channels and only pay 130 dollars.

Update 12/14/2009: Nothing really new to report, just that Comcast forced us to upgrade to the next tier of service. It was kind of wrong of them to do it the way they did. But with the next tier of service we did get HBO which is nice and theres lots of stuff On Demand.

Update 10/7/2010

So they raised the cable again so now its $193 a month. So we are dropping back to a basic packages and are in hopes that ATT will have Uverse here in not too long.

Update 4/13/11

Well a few weeks ago had an issue with the modem kept rebooting. They said they couldn't get out till the next day. Thank god I have a smart phone with a data plan because I would have been going thru the serious withdraw. But mom said the Tech was really nice and even gave us his card and said to ask for him if there was ever an issue. My mom did tell the tech that if ATT brings Uverse in to the area we would probably switch because Comcast raises rats too often.

Update 5/15/11

Well about a week ago we had to have comcast tech come out because we fried another box, that has to be the 3rd in a year and a half, so he gave us a brand new box, The last few boxes were in circulation for a while and the new one was well NEW. The tech was nice and informative, I wish more people who worked for comcast were.

Update 11/19/11

Really no change in regards to service. Would be nice if they lowered prices a little but that aint going to happen. Internet has been fast and stable we have had a few hiccups but that's to be expected. ATT has not deployed Uverse as we hoped and does not look like they will.

Update 2/8/2012

Recently we had issues with our digital voice modem going in to standby on its own, so I contacted Comcast through the Comcast Direct Forum here on DSLreports. Tech had to come out to check things, he came out today. I was very impressed with this tech, he called and asked if he could come early, I was like sure thats cool. When he go there I explained the issues we had and showed him some of our modems logs, he was impressed that I knew about the modems logs. I them proceeded to tell him the changes we had made to our inside cabling because of remodeling we are doing on the house thats when he said that probably was the issue. When then inspected the cabling and we went outside to check the stuff on the pole ( which is like next to our house witch is awesome). He opened the box and looked at the wiring and check the signal from there, he looked at the wiring at the pole and decided it needed to be replaced. He replaced that wiring and little wiring inside. Decided that the modem needed to be replaced after I told him we loose internet connection but still could call Comcast on the phone. Our signal is now made of awesomeness. He did note that my trouble ticket came from corporate so if you have an issue that needs be resolved contact Comcast through the Direct Forums and generally they can straighten stuff out.


Learned yesterday that they raised our cable box rental fees to 9.95 they started out at like 2.95 when we first got digital cable. Needless to say we are considering dish network for TV service. Because our bill is almost $180 a month and at my job we have business class services from Comcast and my bosses bill is let what a crock of crap that is.


Not much to report. Price has stabilized. If they raise prices much more I might have to turn my box in and go over the air for TV. The internet has been working fine. One thing I like to know though, is how my boss at burger king is paying the same amount but has business class.


About a year ago we called and threaten to cancel. Got a good deal that saved us $50. We got rid of their voice services and got HBO. We still do not have HD service. However they keep increasing the interwebs speeds as well as they have not imposed any data caps currently. What I would tell any one, Comcast is great for internet service, we have very little down time and speeds seem to be constant. I would stay away from the TV service if the rest of the family wasn't in to TV.

On a side note. Im glad Comcast has the foresight in to investing in IPv6. Seeing how many ISP's are trying to stay on IPv4 even though we are officially out of IP addresses in North America.


As of November 1st data caps went in to affect. We got our bill and the bill increased. WTF Comcast. Give us a bunch of screwgies all at once. They are the only real game in town. So we have to bend over and take it in the A. The only good thing is we get about 20% more speed then we pay for. Besides that, we would choose another provider if we had the option. Pretty soon, I think we might think about cutting cable.


As of yesterday we turned our boxes in and officially cut the cord. Subbed to PS Vue, as well as Netflix and use my sisters Amazon Prime Sub as well. It feels like we are free. LOL.


Last weekend we lost internet connectivity for two days. Thought it was part of the large outage. It ended up being that the Xfinity store employee deleted all info on our account, including the modem. To make things right, Comcast put us in the Dual Play Streaming bundle. We have access to their streaming service. All for $39.95 a month for the first year and goes up to $59.95 after the first year. Cheaper than Internet only.


Late December, early January we got upgraded to 100/10 service. Pretty nice if you ask me. Nice free upgrades.


The latest bill went up to $65, but we were expecting that due to the fact our one year $46 pricing ran out. Still saving money however. Still slightly cheaper than internet only.


Raised the bill again to $103. Comcast wants to play games I see. No matter, WE WILL NEVER go back to their TV service. Hulu service is much better. We havent called them yet, to see what they can do, most of the time in the past they told us to pound sand. So the struggle will continue.


So we are currently on Internet only 200 Mbps / 10 Mbps up for $83 ish. Due to the fact we own our modem we have no BS fees. During the starting period of Covid Comcast was nice enough to suspend the cap. So Ill give them a slight pat on the back for that. When they reinstated the cap they raised it from 1 TB to 1.2 TB OOOOOOOO 200 extra gigs. On a side note T Mobile started offing Home Internet in my area. If we didnt use 600-900 Gigs a month in data, I would probably switch.


Last bill showed a $3 increase. The annual Christmas Present for Comcast I suppose. If we had another wired broadband choice we would probably take it. Between the increase and the data caps, there is not much value in their service.


Speeds were increased a few months ago. Didnt know that until a few days ago. Went from 200/10 to 300/10. I have noticed some performance issues, but thats probably because the 8x4 modem was being pushed to its limits. Will purchase new modem soon. Price is going up by $3, which is Comcast's annual Christmas gift to its customers. Thus far have not hit the cap, but have come close a few months.


Just wanted to update that I got a CM1000 about a week ago and it has worked great. Definitely seeing over 300 Mbps. Both quality of service and signals look better. Found out we have a 5th upstream channel has well.


A month or so ago we got upgraded from 300/10 to 400/10. The last bill we got in December stated the price was going up $3 a month, due to “upgrades”. Probably going to see what lower plans they have or maybe look in to T-Mobile internet. I just don’t see any value in their service any longer, faster speeds don’t do anything for us.


$4 increase on our next billing cycle taking us from $92 to $96 a month. The history page for data usage has been broke for about a month now. Xfinity had a data breach.

On a positive note they have been doing Network upgrade. Who knows when they will come to my area, but with Data caps faster speeds really dont matter.


We decided due to the speed increases across the board that we would downgrade service. Went from 500/20 to 150/20. My thought process was A) We dont do any 4K streaming and B) I could care less how long it takes to download a game (I dont game as much now days anyway). We figure we can try the lower speed and if we need to we can bump up to the next package which is like 300/20. I think we will be fine. We are paying $66/m only because we dont do auto pay or paperless billing.

member for 19 years, 6221 visits, last login: a few hours ago
updated 94 days ago

Beverly Hills, CA




don't count on tech support/help? ok but what isp has good tech support?




Service is outstanding in Portland Oregon

Man - the local office (not the toll-free number!) has responded to three emergencies for me and had a tech on my doorstep before the end of business each time!

Issue #1: Had DSL, switched local phone company and lost DSL. New local company couldn't give it to me (ATT). HAD to go to cable. Since I run a home office, high speed internet access was critical. When I called the local Comcast office, they had me online at 6Mps/765kbs before the end of business.

Issue #2: Signal crapped out. Called the local office again and, just as before, a technician was on the scene in the afternoon. Something in the wiring at the pole. Fixed and back up.

Issue #3: Severe degradation of d/l speed. Had just installed VoIP phone and couldn't use it or the PC - shut my office down again. Was ready to blame Vonage VoIP system, but AGAIN the Comcast guy showed up on the same day, traced the problem to two things: A squirrell had chewed the line between the pole and house, and the original modem had crapped out. New cable and new modem and BAM! 8Mps d/l and 700kps+ u/l.

I have found it very wise to avoid the toll-free number and try to find the local sales outlet. MUCH better response.




Comcast is a great ISP!

I live in dallas texas. I currently have a 8mb connection. No complaints here.
Urbana, IL



Comcast Service Slower in Central Illinois

Recently Comcast had an "upgrade" in central Illinois, and guess what: both the download and upload speeds decreased at my location. Not only that, but during the upgrade, which included installing new 4-port couplers or splitters on the cable line behind our house, they forgot to re-connect our coax to the coupler. So, for a day and a half we had no cable. When they returned, they re-connected the coax, but failed to provide a drip loop in the coax, as all others on this node. Anyone who ever deals with, knows about, or installs coax of any type knows that you always provide a drip loop upstream to the connector so that rain doesn't flow down the coax and into the coaxial connector at the coupler. This leads to contamination of the connector and possibly the coax shield which creates signal attenuation. Sometimes I really wonder about the competence of Comcast's installers or technicians.

Since Comcast took over cable from our previous provider, Insight Communications in central Illinois, the broadband speed has only decreased in bandwidth. And, they've also reduced the channel count on cable TV as well. All for slightly more money per month than Insight. Such a deal . . .

If I want broadband, excluding satellite, I'm stuck with Comcast as the ONLY option. DSL is not available due to the distance from the central office.

Poorly Representing MYSELF.
Premium Member


Premium Member

Erroneous information.

if ATT brings Uverse in to the area we would probably switch because Comcast raises rats too often.
Just for clarification for you and your Mom, Comcast has never raised rats. Not once. This is a fallacy.

Romulus, MI
·Comcast XFINITY
Netgear CM1000
Synology RT2600ac



Re: Erroneous information.

Once your promo runs out you pay regular rates, they dont give you another promo. Also, Rental fees go up so yeh, there rates do go up. Cable modem was 3 bucks when we started and now its 7. Boxes were like 3 some thing and now they are 7. And for your according do the TECH who did my last repair he said prices are set according to the area you live, we dont have other choices here so they can raise rates all they want in our area where as if they were in a area that had Uverse or FIOS they have to compete. Also so you know we have all 3 services. No internet prices generally dont go up, but cable TV does, my review is for all 3 services no just Internet.

Poorly Representing MYSELF.
Premium Member


Premium Member

Re: Erroneous information.

Oh.. yes, Rates do go up yearly due to the cost of doing business and Content providers rates.

But you stated Rats. Just so we are talking about the same thing..
Manteca, CA



Nutshell Game

To save some money do what a lot of people do. Call cancel service and then have someone else call in and order new service in another name. Then when that promo runs out - wash, rinse, and repeat.

Romulus, MI
·Comcast XFINITY
Netgear CM1000
Synology RT2600ac



Re: Nutshell Game

Shouldnt have to do that frankly. We will wait for 5G and hope its half as good as they say. I rather pay T Mobile more money than give more money to Comcast.

Not to mention Comcast would find a way to fuck up the switch to a new person. Just like they fucked up and deleted the modem from the account, when we canceled TV service.

Plymouth, MI
·Comcast XFINITY



RE: Cost increases

I agree with you on the justification front, I just cannot see why I am paying what I am for the upload speed alone, it's sad when even my cell phone can get a better upload speed than the wired connection to my house. If it wasn't for Fortnite and a few other FPS games I play I would have switched to T-Mobile by now. I appreciate your updates I have been casually reading them over the years, makes me feel better about paying my own bill LOL




Comcast Xfinity

The connection goes out randomly when I had it and if you complain too much or call in too much they label you as an "unsatisfiable customer" so they can get out of the contract without repercussions and refuse futer service to you. I caught them placing a block on my line comming into the residence so that I would HAVE to call in and if I did call in they would label me and disconnect me. I took the filter off my line and it worked fine, but still if you have a choice at all DO NOT GET COMCAST XFINITY. I now have service through a cell phone company with a wireless connected modem. Way better than comcast they do lie and you just get screwed.

Romulus, MI
·Comcast XFINITY
Netgear CM1000
Synology RT2600ac



Re: Comcast Xfinity

said by Anon8b571 :

he connection goes out randomly when I had it and if you complain

said by Anon8b571 :

I took the filter off my line and it worked fine,

Sounds like you had an issue with your wiring, because a filter would be put in to place to prevent bad wiring for effecting the rest of their network.
said by Anon8b571 :

I now have service through a cell phone company with a wireless connected modem.

Ive looked at Cellular internet the issue is Im wary of T Mobile home internet, I have them for phone services but its not the same T Mobile when John Legere ran things. I dont really like what T Mobile is slowing becoming thus I would drop them when I find a better deal.