November, 2010

Your Friendly Guide to the Dark Horse Digital Comics Program

11/30/2010 2:38pm
Before we launch our Dark Horse Bookshelf app and Digital Bookstore in January, we thought we give you lucky readers a quick look at what you can expect! Read more...

Troublemaker Book 2 on sale now!

11/30/2010 10:10am
Troublemaker Book 2 is in stores now! Swing by your local comic or bookstore and pick up this exciting new chapter in this critically acclaimed new series by Janet and Alex Evanovich! Read more...

Dark Horse in the Headlines 11/29/10

11/29/2010 10:30am
Welcome back, Dark Horse fans! I hope all of you in the U.S. of A. had a wonderful Thanksgiving break and I hope the rest of you lovely folks from around the globe didn't miss us too much during our holiday break. As we had a shortened week here at Dark Horse HQ, this week's link recap is a bit more modest, but we'll catch up next week! Read more...

What Are YOU Thankful For?

11/24/2010 3:06pm
Happy Thanksgiving! All this week (well, until Thursday anyway) we here at Dark Horse thought we'd share what we're most thankful for this holiday season. Read on! "I'm thankful my 1996 Jeep Cherokee Classic which turned 200,000 miles old last month still runs like a top." --Patrick Richardson, Comic Retailer Account Executive "I am thankful for my crazy kickass job...I love it..." --Cara Niece, Director of Scheduling "I'm thankful to have my sweet, seventeen-year-old cat Ella home and feeling healthy again.... Read more...
--Patrick Richardson, Comic Retailer Account Executive
"I am thankful for my crazy kickass job...I love it..."
--Cara Niece, Director of Scheduling
"I'm thankful to have my sweet, seventeen-year-old cat Ella home and feeling healthy again....">

Serenity: The Shepherd's Tale Event at the Hollywood Theater in Portland, Oregon!

11/23/2010 2:27pm
Hey Serenity fans! Looking for a way to fight off those cold-weather blahs? Well check this out! Read more...

Behind the Camera with Guild Director Sean Becker!

11/22/2010 2:10pm
Before you check out The Guild tpb, check out this exclusive interview with Sean Becker, director of the The Guild Season Two! Enjoy! Read more...

Dark Horse in the Headlines 11/22/10

11/22/2010 12:05pm
Smoke rises from the ruins of the weekend, the Monday morning hour grows late and Dark Horse in the Headlines rides to the internets once again. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for the three day work week, prep your gullets for turkey and do so with some Dark Horse-related links! I'm Dark Horse Publicity coordinator Jim Gibbons and as Hannah Montana once said, "Let's Do This!" Read more...

Star Wars Friday 11/19/10

11/19/2010 1:51pm
Howdy Star Wars fans! For this week's Star Wars friday we've got a special preview of the first six pages of Star Wars: Knight Errant--Aflame #3! Enjoy! Read more...

Serenity Quote Contest Winners Announced!

11/19/2010 12:00pm
Congratulations to Ashley Burdo, Alex Koss, and Jordan Jefferson, the lucky winners of our Serenity Quote Contest! They'll be receiving the best damn Serenity prize packages in the whole damn 'verse!  The Winnahs: Ashley Burdo:  "Mine is an evil laugh!" Alex Koss: "No power in the 'verse can stop me."  Jordan Jefferson: "I cannot abide useless people."  Thanks to everyone who entered and keep reading the Dark Horse blog for more great contests! Read more...
The Winnahs:
Ashley Burdo: 
"Mine is an evil laugh!"
Alex Koss:
"No power in the 'verse can stop me." 
Jordan Jefferson:
"I cannot abide useless people." 
Thanks to everyone who entered and keep reading the Dark Horse blog for more great contests!

Robert E. Howard Profiles: Solomon Kane

11/18/2010 12:47pm
He might not be a barbarian, but he can still swing a mighty big sword! Robert E. Howard's Solomon Kane stalks the dark corners of our world to rid the land of evil in the name of the lord. With a rapier in one hand and a flintlock pistol in the other, no evil shall escape the righteous gaze of Solomon Kane! Read more...


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