October, 2010

Star Wars Friday 10/29/10

10/29/2010 4:08pm
For this week's Star Wars Friday we've got a special exclusive first look at the cover of Knight Errant #5! Read more...

Dark Horse Halloween Costume Contest!

10/29/2010 3:00pm
Happy Halloween, Dark Horse fans! Time to throw on a costume, eat too much candy, and get a little sick, because we've got an awesome contest for all you Halloweeners out there! Email us a picture of yourself in your costume, we'll pick our top 3 favorites, and the lucky winners will win a super-awesome B.P.R.D. prize package!  Look for the winning entries to be announced on Friday, November 5th. Now get cracking on... Read more...
Email us a picture of yourself in your costume, we'll pick our top 3 favorites, and the lucky winners will win a super-awesome B.P.R.D. prize package! 

Look for the winning entries to be announced on Friday, November 5th. Now get cracking on...">

Dark Horse Halloween Countdown: Steve Niles' Horror Movie Countdown

10/29/2010 12:15pm
When it comes to horror, you'd be hard pressed to find a better expert on the genre than Steve Niles. Creator of the critically acclaimed Criminal Macabre series, Niles has been scaring the bejesus out of his readers for years. See which classic horror movies influence Steve as our Dark Horse Halloween Countdown marches on! This list is in no particular order. It’s tough enough to pick only ten favorite horror... Read more...
Steve Niles. Creator of the critically acclaimed Criminal Macabre series, Niles has been scaring the bejesus out of his readers for years. See which classic horror movies influence Steve as our Dark Horse Halloween Countdown marches on!

This list is in no particular order. It’s tough enough to pick only ten favorite horror...">

Dark Horse Halloween Countdown: Top 5 Halloween Specials

10/28/2010 12:41pm
Dark Horse Digital Art Technician Ryan Hill was raised on sugary breakfast cereals and saturday morning cartoons. Seriously, this is a man who knows every episode of Robotech by heart. This is the guy who watched the original Transformers movie every day for a year to win a bet. So when we wanted to do a list of the Top 5 Halloween TV Specials, we knew we found our man. Read more...

Force Unleashed II Sells Out!

10/27/2010 3:45pm
After being on sale for only two days, Dark Horse has received word that the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II trade paperback has sold out! Read more...

Dark Horse Halloween Countdown: Eric Powell's Top 10 Horror Movies

10/27/2010 10:51am
Not only is Eric Powell the creator of the critically acclaimed multiple-eisner award winning series The Goon, but he also has impeccable taste when it comes to horror flicks. Here's Eric now continuing our Dark Horse Halloween Countdown with his Top 10 Horror Movies! Read more...

Dark Horse Halloween Countdown: Top 10 Goosebumps Books

10/25/2010 2:14pm
Like any young man is his 20's, Dark Horse Comics assistant editor John Schork's first introduction to the horror genre was at the hands of the master of adolescent terror, R.L. Stine. Read more...

Dark Horse in the Headlines 10/25/10

10/25/2010 10:07am
If it's that day that Garfield hates, that means it's time for another thrilling installment of Dark Horse in the Headlines. I'm Dark Horse Publicity Coordinator Jim Gibbons, I love lasagna and I'm here to give you a hot, fresh plate-load of links. Let's do this! Read more...

Star Wars Friday 10/22/2010

10/22/2010 3:17pm
Heya folks! Last week we asked you, our clever and immensely good looking fans, to tell us how you would use the force to make your day to day lives easier! And although many of your submissions definitely leaned towards the Dark Side, all of them were pretty damn clever. After carefully reviewing each submission and conferring with our in-house Jedi Council, we've selected our Top 5 favorites!  Terry Lovern:  "The Jedi mind trick would make teaching... Read more...


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