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Willow Portrait
It's... it's so beautiful...

Willow, examining a grown Sproutrock.

Wanda Portrait
Ah. I suppose that fire wasn't so everlasting after all.

Wanda, examining a Sproutrock Stump.

Wendy Portrait
Maybe if you're lucky, you'll get the chance to grow up.

Wendy, examining a Sproutrock Sapling

WX-78 Portrait

WX-78, examining a dug Sproutrock Sapling.

The Sproutrock is a Tree exclusive to Don't Starve Together, introduced in the From Beyond updates. It is one of of two ancient trees that can grow from a Surprising Seed.

If the planted seed is a Sproutrock seed, it will grow into a Sproutrock Sapling, if the current Season is Summer or the ground is Rocky Turf. The planted seed can be examined to see if the conditions are met. If not, it is a Gloomthorn seed and can be dug to replant it elsewhere or the Turf can be replaced. Otherwise it will grow into a Sproutrock Sapling after 3-7 days, if both conditions are met.

The Sproutrock Sapling will continue to grow into a Sproutrock after 8-12 days, if both of the conditions are still met. The sapling can be dug to replant it elsewhere or another time.

A Sproutrock will grow 3 Geode Fruits every 12-25 days, which can be picked. The fruits will also grow during the other seasons, so the Sproutrock benefits from the 25% regrow speed in Spring.

The Sproutrock and its sapling are completely fireproof and cannot be ignited by any means, including wildfires. However, the Sproutrock can be mined or destroyed, dropping 4 Rocks, 2 Flint, 2 Charcoal, and a new Surprising Seed. The leftover stump can be mined for 2 Rocks.

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