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Don't Starve Wiki
For Warly's unique cooking recipes, see Portable Crock Pot.

Wilson Portrait
It makes me hungry just to look at it.

Wilson, examining an empty crock pot.

The Crock Pot is a Structure used to cook a variety of belly-filling dishes from basic Foods. Found on the Food Tab, it requires a Science Machine to prototype, and costs 3 Cut Stone, 6 Charcoal, and 6 Twigs to build.

While enhancing Food's value and efficiency; it can even make use of otherwise inedible items like Twigs.

Icon Tools Usage

With 4 slots for ingredients, each must be filled with a piece of Food to start cooking. Most recipes take 10–20 seconds to cook (Exact times for each recipe are listed below). Completed Crock Pot dishes can be stacked to 40; none of them can be used in the Crock Pot again

Cooking basics

A cooking attempt's ingredients have to match a recipe. There are 58 recipes available for the Crock Pot, including those from Don't Starve Together & the DLCs. If an attempt fails to match any recipe at all, Wet Goop ends up as the product.

When a recipe is attempted (i.e. the pot starts cooking), the food groups the ingredients fit into are considered; almost all recipes require some amount of Food from certain food groups, but there are many recipes with specific Food requirements (like Froggle Bunwich).

Lots of ingredients fulfill recipe requirements more readily than others (e.g. 1 Drumstick has the same effect on a dish as 2 Morsels). More filling ingredients tend to have greater food values.

Each recipe has weight, called recipe priorities, so a result can be decided when a set of ingredients fits more than one valid recipe. These weights are.

When spoiled ingredients are used, the completed dish's spoil percentage becomes half the average spoil percentage of the ingredients (e.g. if 1 monster meat and 3 berries, all 90% spoiled (10% fresh), are placed in the Crock Pot, the resulting meatball will be 45% spoiled (55% fresh)). Non-spoilable ingredients are ignored when calculating average spoil percentage. In the vanilla game, a meal doesn't begin to spoil until a player removes it from the Crock Pot. Meals remain in the Crock Pot until either a player removes it, a Lureplant "eats" it, or the pot is destroyed.


Food groups

There are 9 recognised food groups when cooking with a Crock Pot:

  1. Meats Meats
  2. Fishes Fishes
  3. Eggs Eggs
  4. Fruit Fruits
  5. Vegetables Vegetables
  6. Sweetener Sweeteners
  7. Monster Meats Monster Foods
  8. Dairy product Dairy (Reign of Giants icon)
  9. Bugs Bugs (Hamlet icon)
  10. Decoration (DST)

Some Foods do not fall into any of these groups (e.g. Butterfly Wings); some fall into multiple (e.g. Fish); some might count as a meat, fruit, or vegetable when fed to a Pig but not when used in a Crock Pot.

An 11th food group, Fat Fat, has gone unimplemented.

Valid ingredients

The following items can be used in a Crock Pot:

Meats Any Meat (raw or cooked)
Monster Foods Any Monster Food (raw or cooked)
Fishes Any Fish or Seafood
All eggs Any Egg (raw or cooked)
Fruit Any Fruit (raw or cooked)
Vegetables Any Vegetable (raw or cooked)
Sweetener Any Sweetener
Inedible Certain inedible items (See Inedible)
Butterfly Wings Butterfly Wings
Mandrake Mandrake
Reign of Giants icon
Dairy product Any Dairy
Ice Ice
Moleworm Moleworm
Roasted Birchnut Roasted Birchnut
Shipwrecked icon
Wobster Wobster
Hamlet icon
Bugs Any Bug
Foliage Foliage
Nettle Nettle
Don't Starve Together icon
Kelp Fronds Kelp Fronds (raw, cooked or dried)
Lesser Glow Berry Lesser Glow Berry
Moon Moth Wings Moon Moth Wings

Invalid ingredients

Although edible, the following items cannot be used in any recipes:

Dark Petals Dark Petals
Deerclops Eyeball Deerclops Eyeball
Foliage Foliage (excluding Hamlet icon)
Garland Garland
Glow Berry Glow Berry (excluding Don't Starve Together icon)
Guardian's Horn Guardian's Horn
Hatching Tallbird Egg Hatching Tallbird Egg
Koalefant Trunk Koalefant Trunk (excluding Don't Starve Together icon)
Light Bulb Light Bulb
Cooked Mandrake Mandrake (cooked – raw o.k.)
Petals Petals
Rot Rot
Rotten Egg Rotten Egg
Seeds Seeds (raw or cooked)
Winter Koalefant Trunk Winter Koalefant Trunk (raw or cooked) (excluding Don't Starve Together icon)
Reign of Giants icon
Birchnut Birchnut (applies only to raw; roasted can be used in crock pot)
Shipwrecked icon
Coconut Coconut (whole – halved or roasted o.k.)
Dead Swordfish Dead Swordfish
Dead Wobster Dead Wobster (raw or cooked - alive o.k.)
Dragoon Heart Dragoon Heart
Eye of the Tiger Shark Eye of the Tiger Shark
Hamlet icon
Blooming Tuber Blooming Tuber (raw or cooked)
Bramble Bulb Bramble Bulb
Clippings Clippings
Flytrap Stalk Flytrap Stalk
Lotus Flower Lotus Flower (raw or cooked)
Magic Water Magic Water
Nectar Nectar
Poison Dartfrog Legs Poison Dartfrog Legs (raw or cooked)
Seed Pod Seed Pod (raw or cooked)
Tuber Tuber (raw or cooked)
Don't Starve Together icon
Lune Tree Blossom Lune Tree Blossom

The following recipes do not work with any cooked foods:

Melonsicle Melonsicle (Reign of Giants icon)
Banana Pop Banana Pop (Shipwrecked icon)

The following recipes do not work with specific cooked foods (i.e. Turkey Dinner requires raw Drumsticks but the other meat component can be cooked.):

Turkey Dinner Turkey Dinner
Mandrake Soup Mandrake Soup
Guacamole Guacamole (Reign of Giants icon)
Mussel Bouillabaise Mussel Bouillabaise (Shipwrecked icon)
Sweet Potato Souffle Sweet Potato Souffle (Shipwrecked icon)


An ingredient is "filler" if it can be added to a partially prepared recipe without changing the Crock Pot's output; most recipes call for less than four ingredients, so fillers are need to fill the pot.

When filler is called for, most valid ingredients (see above) will usually work; though some recipes explicitly prohibit a couple ingredients or food groups. For example: Dragonpie cannot have any Meat ingredients in it.

While a lot of recipes prohibit their use; one dish, Kabobs, actually requires Twigs. Using them when possible is efficient, as Twigs are usually easier to get than Food.

Monster Food

If two or more Monster Foods are used in the pot, the crock pot produces Monster Lasagna unless Twigs are added (which makes Wet Goop), or higher priority food is available; thus, only one Monster Food should be attempted as filler for a dish, except Surf 'n' Turf. Though it follows the twig rule, it's useful to note that Bacon and Eggs can be made with two Monster Meat, one tallbird egg, and one stick.

The following is Monster Food:

Monster Meat Monster Meat (Raw or Cooked)
Monster Jerky Monster Jerky
Durian Durian (Raw or Cooked)
Dead Jellyfish Dead Jellyfish (Raw or Cooked) (Shipwrecked icon)
Dried Jellyfish Dried Jellyfish (Shipwrecked icon)
Dead Rainbow Jellyfish Dead Rainbow Jellyfish (Raw or Cooked) (Shipwrecked icon)

Food values

Glommer See also: Food

These "food values" measure how plentifully an ingredient can fulfill a recipe's need for certain food groups. Combined ingredients' food values (in addition to recipe priority) are what determine an attempt's final dish; for example: Honey Ham requires a meat value greater than or equal to 2.0, so in addition to Honey, its ingredients can be 3 Jerky; 2 Jerky & 1 filler; or 1 Jerky & 2 Drumsticks, but 1 Jerky, 1 Drumstick, & 1 filler won't cut it.

The overall set of food values for an attempted dish is the sum of its individual ingredient values. In attempting a dish like Monster MeatMeatMeatBerries, the component values are:

  • +1 meat, +1 monster
  • +1 meat
  • +1 meat
  • +0.5 fruit

When added up, the final dish's set of values will be 3.0 meat, 1.0 monster, and 0.5 fruit. resulting in Meaty Stew.

Some ingredients value for two food groups; for example: raw Tropical Fish provides 1.0 fish unit & 0.5 meat units (though Cooked Fish Morsel provides 0.5 fish units & no meat units).

Meat value

Different Meat ingredients have different meat values.

Foods with meat value of 0.5
Morsel Cooked Morsel Drumstick Fried Drumstick Frog Legs Cooked Frog Legs Small Jerky Fish Cooked FishCooked Eel Eel Moleworm Shark Fin Dead Dogfish Raw Fish Fish Steak Tropical Fish Purple Grouper Cooked Purple Grouper Pierrot Fish Cooked Pierrot Fish Neon Quattro Cooked Neon Quattro Roe Cooked Roe (Batilisk Wing Don't Starve Together icon)
Foods with meat value of 1.0
Meat Cooked Meat Jerky Monster Meat Cooked Monster Meat Monster JerkyLeafy MeatCooked Leafy Meat

Fish/Seafood values

Fish & seafood come in three levels of fishiness: half, full, and double.

Foods with fish value of 0.5
Crabbit Fish Morsel Cooked Fish Morsel Limpets Cooked Limpets Mussel Cooked Mussel
Foods with fish value of 1.0
Fish Cooked Fish Eel Cooked Eel Shark Fin Dead Dogfish Jellyfish Dead Jellyfish Cooked Jellyfish Dried Jellyfish Rainbow Jellyfish Dead Rainbow Jellyfish Cooked Rainbow Jellyfish Raw Fish Fish Steak Tropical Fish Purple Grouper Cooked Purple Grouper Pierrot Fish Cooked Pierrot Fish Neon Quattro Cooked Neon Quattro Roe Cooked Roe
Food with fish value of 2.0

Fruit value

Fruit ingredients come in half-size & full-size.

Foods with fruit value of 0.5
Berries Roasted Berries Coffee Beans Juicy Berries Roasted Juicy Berries Fig Cooked Fig
Foods with fruit value of 1.0
Pomegranate Sliced Pomegranate Durian Extra Smelly Durian Dragon Fruit Prepared Dragon Fruit Cave Banana Cooked Cave Banana Watermelon Grilled Watermelon Cooked Coffee Beans Halved Coconut Roasted Coconut

Durian counts both as monster food and fruit.

Vegetable value

Vegetable ingredients come in half-size & full-size.

Foods with vegetable value of 0.5
Red Cap Cooked Red Cap Green Cap Cooked Green Cap Blue Cap Cooked Blue Cap Cactus Flower Kelp Fronds Cooked Kelp Fronds Dried Kelp Fronds
Foods with vegetable value of 1.0
Carrot Roasted Carrot Corn Popcorn Eggplant Braised Eggplant Pumpkin Hot Pumpkin Foliage Lichen Mandrake Cactus Flesh Cooked Cactus Flesh Seaweed Roasted Seaweed Dried Seaweed Sweet Potato Cooked Sweet Potato Aloe Cooked Aloe Asparagus Cooked Asparagus Radish Cooked Radish Ripe Stone Fruit Cooked Stone Fruit Garlic Roast Garlic Onion Roast Onion Pepper Roasted Pepper Potato Roast Potato Toma Root Roast Toma Root Popperfish Corn Cod

Egg value

Egg ingredients come in small & enormous.

Foods with egg value of 1.0
Egg Cooked Egg Doydoy Egg Fried Doydoy Egg
Foods with egg value of 4.0
Tallbird Egg Fried Tallbird Egg

Sweetener value

Sweeteners are Honeys & Royal Jelly.

Foods with sweetener value of 1.0
Honey Honeycomb
Food with sweetener value of 3.0
Royal Jelly

Dairy Product value Reign of Giants icon

Dairy includes Butter & Electric Milk.

Foods with dairy value of 1.0
Butter Electric Milk

Bug value Hamlet icon

Bugs are unique to the Don't Starve: Hamlet DLC.

Foods with bug value of 1.0
Bean Bugs Cooked Bean Bugs Gummy Slug Cooked Gummy Slug

Decoration value Don't Starve Together icon

Decorations are a unique food category in Don't Starve Together, containing foods that are wild cards and typically only used in one recipe.

Foods with decoration value of 1.0: Forget-Me-Lots

Foods with decoration value of 2.0: Collected Dust

Priority Priority

Priority ratings decides the result of a particular cooking session based on the ingredients used; the highest rated recipe will always be chosen. If there are several valid recipes with the same priority, a random one of those specific recipes will be chosen. Some recipes have priority of 0 or below, which means they will never be chosen over recipes of positive priority. One such recipe is Wet Goop, which is in fact always a valid result, but it's never chosen over anything else because it has -2 priority.

As a simple example, cooking with 4 Meat pieces, both the Meatballs recipe (priority -1) and the Meaty Stew recipe (priority 0) are valid, but the completed dish will always be Meaty Stew, because of greater priority.

If there is more than one recipe with highest priority the game will pick at random. Here is a final example; a dish that uses FishFrog LegsCornTwigs as ingredients fulfills four different recipes: Fishsticks (10), Fish Tacos (10), Kabobs (5), and Froggle Bunwich (1); two dishes tie, so the result will be Fishsticks 50% of the time, and the other 50% Fish Tacos.

Recipes for the Crock Pot

The following is a list of Crock Pot recipes. There are also recipes exclusive to the Portable Crock Pot not listed here.

A calculator to show what dishes can be made from given ingredients can be found here.

Under Ingredients, icons with a numeric value (like 1.0) represent any ingredient from that food group. Icons without values are specific ingredients. Required ingredients are the minimum food items to make a dish, and attempting to fill a dish with restricted ingredients would lead to a different dish.

Visual Reminder
Vegetables Vegetables Meats Meats Fruit Fruits Fishes Fishes Eggs Eggs
Sweetener Sweeteners Monster Meats Monster Foods Dairy product Dairy (Reign of Giants icon) Bugs Bugs (Hamlet icon) Inedible Inedible
Click on the buttons to hide and show the corresponding recipes.
Note: Click on the header of a column to sort the recipes by this category in ascending order. Click again to sort the recipes in descending order.
Icon Dish DLC Hunger Sanity Health Max perish time (days) Cook time (sec) Priority Recipe
Ingredients Notes
Amberosia Amberosia Don't Starve Together icon N/A N/A N/A Never 40s 100 Collected Dust
Asparagus Soup Asparagus Soup Hamlet iconDon't Starve Together icon 18.75 5 20 15d 10s 10 Hamlet icon: Asparaguses + Vegetables×0.5
Don't Starve Together icon: Asparaguses + Vegetables×1.5
Don't Starve Together icon: No MeatsInedible
Bacon and Eggs Bacon and Eggs 75 5 20 20d 40s 10 Meats>1.0 + Eggs>1.0 No Vegetables
Banana Pop Banana Pop Shipwrecked iconDon't Starve Together icon 12.5 33 20 3d 10s 20 Shipwrecked icon: Banana + Ice + Inedible×1.0
Don't Starve Together icon: Cave Bananas + Ice + Twigs×1.0
No MeatsFishes
Banana Shake Banana Shake Don't Starve Together icon 25 33 8 15d 10s 1 Cave Bananas×2 No MeatsFishesMonster Foods
Barnacle Linguine Barnacle Linguine Don't Starve Together icon 75 20 10 6d 40s 30 Barnacle×2 + Vegetables×2.0
Barnacle Nigiri Barnacle Nigiri Don't Starve Together icon 37.5 5 40 10d 10s 30 Barnacle + Kelp Frond + Eggs
Barnacle Pita Barnacle Pita Don't Starve Together icon 37.5 5 20 15d 40s 25 Barnacle + Vegetables×0.5
Beefalo Treats Beefalo Treats Don't Starve Together icon N/A N/A N/A 10d 40s -4 Birchnut + Twigs + Forget-Me-Lots
Beefy Greens Beefy Greens Don't Starve Together icon 75 5 40 6d 40s 25 Leafy Meats + Vegetables×3.0
Bisque Bisque Shipwrecked icon 18.75 5 60 10d 20s 30 Limpets×3 + Ice
Breakfast Skillet Breakfast Skillet Don't Starve Together icon 37.5 5 20 20d 20s 1 Eggs×1.0 Vegetables×1.0 No MeatsDairy product
Bunny Stew Bunny Stew Don't Starve Together icon 37.5 5 20 10d 10s 1 Meats>0 + Ice×2 No Inedible
Max Meats×0.75
Butter Muffin Butter Muffin 37.5 5 20 15d 40s 1 Butterfly Wings + Vegetables×0.5 No Meats
Can replaceButterfly Wings withMoon Moth Wings
California Roll California Roll Shipwrecked iconDon't Starve Together icon 37.5 10 20 10d 10s 20 Shipwrecked icon: Seaweed×2 + Fishes×1.0
Don't Starve Together icon: Kelp Frond×2 + Fishes×1.0
Caviar Caviar Shipwrecked icon 12.5 33 3 10d 40s 20 Roe + Vegetables×1.0 Roe
Cooked RoeCooked RoeCooked Roe
Ceviche Ceviche Shipwrecked iconDon't Starve Together icon 25 5 20 10d 10s 20 Ice + Fishes×2.0 Don't Starve Together icon: No EggsInedible
Coffee Coffee Shipwrecked icon 9.375 -5 3 10d 10s 30 Cooked Coffee Beans x3.0 Only Dairy productSweetenerCooked Coffee Beans
Creamy Potato Purée Creamy Potato Purée Don't Starve Together icon 37.5 33 20 15d 20s 20 Potatoes + Potatoes+ Garlics No MeatsInedible
Dragonpie Dragonpie 75 5 40 15d 40s 1 Dragon Fruit ava No Meats
Fancy Spiralled Tubers Fancy Spiralled Tubers Don't Starve Together icon 37.5 15 3 10d 15s 10 Potatoes + Twigs×1.0 No MeatsMonster Foods
Max Inedible×2.0
Feijoada Feijoada Hamlet icon 75 15 20 8d 70s 30 Bean Bug×3 + Meats×0.5
Figatoni Figatoni Don't Starve Together icon 56.25 15 30 6d 40s 30 Figs + Vegetables×2.0 No Meats
Figgy Frogwich Figgy Frogwich Don't Starve Together icon 18.75 10 8 15d 20s 1 Figs + Frog Leg
Figkabab Figkabab Don't Starve Together icon 25 15 20 15d 20s 30 Figs + Meats×1.0 + Twigs
Fig-Stuffed Trunk Fig-Stuffed Trunk Don't Starve Together icon 56.25 0 60 10d 40s 40 Figs + Koalefant Trunks
Fish Tacos Fish Tacos 37.5 5 20 6d 10s 10 Corns + Fishes×0.5
Fishsticks Fishsticks 37.5 5 40 10d 40s 10 Fishes>0 + Twigs×1.0 Fillers cannot be Inedible
Fist Full of Jam Fist Full of Jam 37.5 5 3 15d 10s 0 Fruits ava×0.5 No MeatsVegetablesInedible
Flower Salad Flower Salad Reign of Giants iconDon't Starve Together icon 12.5 5 40 6d 10s 10 Cactus Flower + Vegetables×1.5 No FruitMeatsEggsSweetenerInedible
Froggle Bunwich Froggle Bunwich 37.5 5 20 15d 40s 1 Frog Legs ava + Vegetables×0.5
Frozen Banana Daiquiri Frozen Banana Daiquiri Don't Starve Together icon 18.75 15 30 15d 20s 1 Cave Bananas×1 + Ice No Twigs
Fruit Medley Fruit Medley 25 5 20 6d 10s 0 Fruits ava×3.0 No MeatsVegetables
Guacamole Guacamole Reign of Giants icon 37.5 0 20 10d 10s 10 Cactus Flesh + Moleworm No Fruits ava
Cactus Flesh or Ripe Stone Fruit
Gummy Cake Gummy Cake Hamlet icon 150 -5 -3 20d 40s 1 Gummy Slug + Sweetener×1.0 No Meats
Hard Shell Tacos Hard Shell Tacos Hamlet icon 37.5 5 20 15d 20s 1 Weevole Carapace + Weevole Carapace + Vegetables×0.5
Honey Ham Honey Ham 75 5 30 15d 40s 2 Honey + Meats>1.5 No Inedible
Max Monster Foods×1.0
Honey Nuggets Honey Nuggets 37.5 5 20 15d 40s 2 Honey + Meats>0 No Inedible
Max Meats×1.5
Ice Cream Ice Cream Reign of Giants iconDon't Starve Together icon 25 50 0 3d 10s 10 Ice + Dairy product×1.0 + Sweetener×1.0 No MeatsEggsVegetablesInedible
Iced Tea Iced Tea Hamlet icon 12.5 33 3 6d 10s 30 Orange Piko + Orange Piko + Ice + Sweetener×1.0
Jellybeans Jellybeans Don't Starve Together icon 0 5 122
in 2 min
Never 50s 12 Royal Jelly No InedibleMonster Foods
Jelly-O Pop Jelly-O Pop Shipwrecked icon 12.5 0 20 3d 10s 20 Jellyfish + Ice + Inedible×1.0
Jelly Salad Jelly Salad Don't Starve Together icon 37.5 50 0 6d 40s 50 Leafy Meats×2 + Sweetener×2.0
Kabobs Kabobs 37.5 5 3 15d 40s 5 Meats>0 + Twigs×1.0 No Inedible
Max Monster Foods×1.0
Mandrake Soup Mandrake Soup 150 5 100 6d 60s 10 Mandrake
Meatballs Meatballs 62.5 5 3 10d 15s -1 Meats>0 No Inedible
Meated Nettles Meated Nettles Hamlet icon 37.5 5 20 8d 20s 1 Nettlex2.0 + Meats×1.0 No Inedible
Meaty Stew Meaty Stew 150 5 12 10d 15s 0 Meats×3.0 No InedibleTallbird EggsMandrake
Melonsicle Melonsicle Reign of Giants iconDon't Starve Together icon 12.5 20 3 3d 10s 10 Watermelon + Ice + Twigs×1.0 No MeatsEggsVegetables
Milkmade Hat Milkmade Hat Don't Starve Together icon 187.5 in 4 min -5.3 in 4 min 0 Never 40s 55 Naked Nostrils + Kelp Fronds + Dairy
Monster Lasagna Monster Lasagna 37.5 -20 -20 6d 10s 10 Monster Foods×2.0 No Inedible
Mushy Cake Mushy Cake Don't Starve Together icon 25 10 0 15d 20s 30 Moon Shroom + Red Cap + Blue Cap + Green Cap
Leafy Meatloaf Leafy Meatloaf Don't Starve Together icon 37.5 5 8 20d 40s 25 Leafy Meats×2
Nettle Rolls Nettle Rolls Hamlet icon 25 5 20 6d 10s 0 Nettle + Nettle + Nettle
Pierogi Pierogi 37.5 5 40 20d 20s 5 Eggs×1.0 + Meats>0 + Vegetables>0 No Inedible
Plain Omelette Plain Omelette Don't Starve Together icon 50 5 3 20d 20s 1 Eggs×3.0
Powdercake Powdercake 0 0 -3 18750d 10s 10 (Cornsor PopperfishDon't Starve Together icon) + Honey + Twigs×1.0
Pumpkin Cookie Pumpkin Cookie 37.5 15 0 10d 40s 10 Pumpkin + Sweetener×2.0
Ratatouille Ratatouille 25 5 3 15d 20s 0 Vegetables×0.5 No MeatsInedible
Salsa Fresca Salsa Fresca Don't Starve Together icon 25 33 3 15d 10s 20 Toma Roots + Onions No MeatsInedibleEggs
Seafood Gumbo Seafood Gumbo Shipwrecked iconDon't Starve Together icon 37.5 20 40 10d 20s 10 Shipwrecked icon: Fishes>2.0
Don't Starve Together icon: Eels×1 Fishes>1.0
Shark Fin Soup Shark Fin Soup Shipwrecked icon 12.5 -10 40 10d 10s 20 Shark Fin
Snake Bone Soup Snake Bone Soup Hamlet icon 25 10 40 10d 20s 20 Snake Bone + Snake Bone + Meats×2.0
Soothing Tea Soothing Tea Don't Starve Together icon 0 15 + 30 over 1 min 3 3d 20s 1 Forget-Me-Lots + Sweetener + Ice No MeatsMonster FoodsFishesVegetablesInedibleDairyEggs
Spicy Chili Spicy Chili Reign of Giants iconDon't Starve Together icon 37.5 0 20 10d 10s 10 Vegetables×1.5 + Meats×1.5
Spicy Vegetable Stinger Spicy Vegetable Stinger Hamlet icon 25 33 3 15d 10s 15 (Asparaguses or Radish)+ Ice + Vegetables×1.5 Don't Starve Together icon See equivalent recipe
Steamed Ham Sandwich Steamed Ham Sandwich Hamlet icon 37.5 15 40 6d 40s 5 Foliage + Meat + Vegetables×1.0 No Monster Foods
Meat or Cooked Meat
Steamed Twigs Steamed Twigs Don't Starve Together icon N/A N/A N/A 10d 10s -5 Twigsx3 No Meats Eggs Dairy Nightmare Fuel
Stuffed Eggplant Stuffed Eggplant 37.5 5 3 15d 40s 1 Eggplant ava + Vegetables×0.5
Stuffed Fish Heads Stuffed Fish Heads Don't Starve Together icon 75 0 20 3d 40s 25 Barnacle + Fishes×1.0
Stuffed Night Cap Stuffed Night Cap Don't Starve Together icon 18.75 -15 -20 15d 20s 30 Moon Shroom×2 + Monster Meats
Stuffed Pepper Poppers Stuffed Pepper Poppers Don't Starve Together icon 25 -5 30 15d 40s 20 Peppers + Meats×0.5 No Inedible
Max Meats×1.5
Surf 'n' Turf Surf 'n' Turf Shipwrecked iconDon't Starve Together icon 37.5 33 60 10d 20s 30 Meats×2.5 + Fishes×1.5 No Ice
Taffy Taffy 25 15 -3 15d 40s 10 Sweetener×3.0 No Meats
Tall Scotch Eggs Tall Scotch Eggs Don't Starve Together icon 150 5 60 15d 40s 10 Tallbird Egg×1.0 Vegetables×1.0
Tea Tea Hamlet icon 12.5 33 3 1d
(Iced Tea)
10s 25 Orange Piko + Orange Piko + Sweetener×1.0 No MeatsVegetablesIceInedible
Trail Mix Trail Mix Reign of Giants iconDon't Starve Together icon 12.5 5 30 15d 10s 10 Roasted Birchnut + (Berries ava or Juicy BerriesDon't Starve Together icon) + Fruits ava×0.5 No MeatsEggsVegetablesDairy product
Tropical Bouillabaisse Tropical Bouillabaisse Shipwrecked icon 37.5 15 20 10d 40s 35 Purple Grouper + Pierrot Fish + Neon Quattro + Vegetables×1.0
Turkey Dinner Turkey Dinner 75 5 20 6d 60s 10 Drumstick x 2 Meats>0 +

(Vegetables or Fruits ava)×0.5

When using Barnacle don't add Vegetable
Unagi Unagi 18.75 5 20 10d 10s 20

Eel ava + (Lichen or Kelp Frond Don't Starve Together icon)

Veggie Burger Veggie Burger Don't Starve Together icon 37.5 33 30 6d 40s 25

Leafy Meats + Onions + Vegetables×1.0

Spicy Vegetable Stinger Vegetable Stinger Don't Starve Together icon 25 33 3 15d 10s 15 (Asparaguses or Toma Roots) + Ice + Vegetables×1.5 No Meats Eggs Inedible
Waffles Waffles 37.5 5 60 6d 10s 10 Butter + Berries ava + Eggs×1.0
Wet Goop Wet Goop 0 0 0 6d 5s -2 Results when nothing else works
Wobster Bisque Wobster Bisque Shipwrecked iconDon't Starve Together icon 25 10 60 10d 10s 30 Wobster + Ice
Wobster Dinner Wobster Dinner Shipwrecked iconDon't Starve Together icon 37.5 50 60 15d 20s 25 Wobster + Butter No MeatsIce

Gift Icon Downloadable Content

In DLCs, Crock Pot dishes start to spoil (even quicker in rain) before being collected. Some existing recipes gain the ability to warm or cool the player and new recipes have been added which can lower or raise the player's temperature. The Crock Pot itself also generates heat when cooking (not in Don't Starve Together icon), which may Overheat the player during Summer and Dry Season.

If a regular or RoG save file has been set to be compatible with SW, any recipes added by SW will also be available in such a file. Consequently, recipes such as Surf 'n' Turf can be created to easily restore large amounts of Health and Sanity in the Ruins by combining 2 Monster Meats with 2 Eels.

The Hamlet DLC introduces the first Crock Pot recipe that turns into a different recipe when it has spoiled. Tea will spoil after one day, but instead of becoming Rot it will become Iced Tea. Even though this transformation likely represents the cooling of the hot drink, putting Tea in an Ice Box will slow its spoilage like any other food item. Foliage can be used in the Crock Pot in Hamlet.

Prototype Tips

  • The light emitted by an active Crock Pot is enough to keep Charlie away.
  • Warly has his own Portable Crock Pot.
  • Some Crock Pot dishes give fewer Hunger / Health points than the sum of their components.
    • For instance, it's better to eat four Roasted Carrots (+12 Health Meter / +50 Hunger Meter), versus using them to make Ratatouille (+3 Health Meter / +25 Hunger Meter); however, most Crock Pot recipes restore 5 Sanity Meter, which may be desirable.
    • Putting any 4 edible items in the pot will result in something.
  • If the player has enough resources to create a 5-6 fit Crock Pot setting, the player can position them in a quintet or hexagonal style and place a Fridge or two in the center. This will allow both the fridge and crock pot to be open simultaneously, increasing cooking efficiency.
  • It's a good idea to cook any stale or spoiled food on fire before putting them in the Crock Pot, if the recipe allows cooked food to be used. Doing so raises the overall freshness of the ingredients, making the end result last longer.

External links

Blueprint Gallery
