Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

by LOLGotYerTags

Original Post

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★★★★ Expert

OK @fbsketcher ,

Be ready with your comrose then, to confirm or say 'negative' then when asking you questions or posing suggestions.  ;o)

Or switch to the PSN messenger service during the event then and type a few words.


Will be an exciting elevator ride in any case.

Message 41 of 208 (2,808 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★ Guide

"comrose"  do you mean where I can click on   " I need a ride"  , "I need a medic"  etc,.    


Cyber where are you located ?  In the U.K?  

Message 42 of 208 (2,797 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★ Guide

Be online in 30-45 minutes from now  

Message 43 of 208 (2,780 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★ Guide

Want to make plans for this Saturday/Sunday?    Are you in the U.K?   if so I think you are 5 hours ahead of us.   So that may be around 1:00 pm your time

Message 44 of 208 (2,771 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★ Guide

If anyone wants to join in with me for the elevator ride  I will be playing tomorrow between 8:30 and 10:30 am east coast USA time.   I have the Hammerhead final stand tag and the code .

Message 45 of 208 (2,710 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★ Guide

almosst Cyber.   Had 3 other guys show up but one wouldnt or couldnt equip phantom items needed.     


Message 46 of 208 (2,668 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★★★★ Expert

Yeah @fbsketcher ,

* happens often when getting into that elevator with 3 other sweaty guys!  :o)


And when the lights starts flickering as you descend and their heads blows up, like the folks in the Outland Jupiter space station movie w Sean Connery, when not having suited up the right way... 

Message 47 of 208 (2,646 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★ Guide

really!!!!   Hope to see that happen.


Did you see the hint at BF6  when signing in to bf4?    a short movie loads showing only static and background noise / voices that sounds like intercoms.

Message 48 of 208 (2,634 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★★★★ Expert

@fbsketcher ,

Yes happens like 40-50% of all the times when getting into the Hangar21 elevator and pressing the button to descend into the bow room.

Despite having asked everybody multiple time:

Are you sure that you have equipped your soldier with the Phantom camo?

Have you switched your weapon camo to Phantom, for both primary and secondary weapon?

Have you equipped your soldier with the Phantom dog tags?

Yes, yes and yes....


And then when the elevator closes and we start descending, the heads starts popping.

The light flickers in three periods of time.

Those not having all the pre-requisites are dying and vanish within seconds after each check zone.

Even if you as newbie have all correctly, we still need 4 Phantom tags still alive for you to make it down there.  ;o)

Message 49 of 208 (2,624 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★ Guide

Well i have the tag from Hammer head so my head wont blow .   But I'd like to see it.   Did you see the anouncement for the live feed of Battlefield 6 for tomorrow?  


   Perhaps we can get in that elevator this Sat or Sunday morning?

Message 50 of 208 (2,610 Views)