Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

by LOLGotYerTags

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Betreff: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★★ Newbie
@LOLGotYerTags i play on pc my origin name is drathflayer and i need 3 guys
Message 21 of 208 (2,885 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★★ Newbie
@xSworrd add me my name in origin is drathflayer
Message 22 of 208 (2,884 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★ Guide

after another 2 hours of trying on Whiteout waiting for someone to join in I  finally got into a Hammerhead game .  But my question is the final stand tags are they only on conquest large and hardcore ?    This was a Normal setting game and I couldnt locate any tags and was the first to get to a location.


Message 23 of 208 (2,857 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★ Apprentice
@fbsketcher I believe it does have to be atleast on Conquest Large. Hardcore shouldn’t make a difference, but I’ll let you know if I can confirm that. I prefer Conquest Large anyways because more spawn locations = better odds of finding the tags. I saw something on Reddit that tags only spawn after 5-10 minutes have passed in the game, so remember that if you’re having trouble. Luckily tags also respawn in a different spot on the map if someone does find it, so no worries about that.
Message 24 of 208 (2,839 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★★★★ Expert

@fbsketcher wrote:

after another 2 hours of trying on Whiteout waiting for someone to join in I  finally got into a Hammerhead game .  But my question is the final stand tags are they only on conquest large and hardcore ?    This was a Normal setting game and I couldnt locate any tags and was the first to get to a location.


Hi @fbsketcher ,

The server just need to be Official or ranked, and with Final Stand maps….  And it must be a Conquest large map!  👍 


Please also note, that the game play has to be live for approx 10 minutes minimum before the Phantom tag box spawns in.   Turn up your sound and you will hear the ringing sound when it happens.   Likewise, there is only one!   So its not like there will be a tag box at each single tag spawn location on the map.  Reason why you will need to travel quickly from one location to the next to find it where it may be.

And any gaming/battle activity at that location may break the tag box and it will simply disappear and not come back for the rest of that game round.   Hence, a lot of patience is typically required…

Message 25 of 208 (2,824 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★ Guide

Cyber, does this accurately portray the correct locations?  its a video clip from youtube



Message 26 of 208 (2,816 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★★★★ Expert

@fbsketcher wrote:

Cyber, does this accurately portray the correct locations?  its a video clip from youtube



Hi @fbsketcher ,

That youtube video certainly shows 'correct locations' yes.  But it only shows like one dog tag location for each Final Stand map.  While in reality its a bit more complicated than that.  The dog tag can spawn in at many many different locations, on each map.  So aka on Final Stand just on the Whiteout map, I think you have the following number of potential dog tag locations:

Near the A flag: 3

Near the B flag: 6

Near the C flag: 5

Near the D flag: 9

Near the E flag: 3

Near the F flag: 3


So in total 29 different locations where it potentially can spawn in, just on the Whiteout map.  So you need to go through and check one potential location to the next in your hunt for it on that single map alone.


Each of the Final Stand map have similar many many spawn locations for that tag box that you hunt for.  Think you can find good instructive videos on YouTube that shows you more of these locations.  I recall some on Reddit had gone through the work to make detailed maps, with each Final Stand map and their dog tag locations.  Maybe that could help to check on these?

Message 27 of 208 (2,776 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★ Guide

First thank you for the extensive reply!!   I have found vids showing some more locations but still not a lot of maps .   I did get into a white out map yesterday with 4 players  but I couldnt find anything then for some reason the serve quit in the middle of the game .    I got onto another whiteout this morning but 64 players and not a chance to spend time running around searching while  getting shot every three seconds.




Message 28 of 208 (2,717 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★ Guide

Hey Ace, no luck.   been trying for 3 days was running all over Hammerhead trying all locations and all I got was dead  the other 3 players were all on the other team.  



Message 29 of 208 (2,647 Views)

Re: Need People for the Phantom Room? Post Here!

★★★★★ Expert

Hi @fbsketcher ,

Yeah it can be super frustrating to be tag hunting on a Final Stand map with 32 other enemy players there to get their daily kills!  :o)


Maybe an idea to setup a dedicated server for a week for the very purpose of tag hunting, to get the ability to complete the challenge?

Message 30 of 208 (2,644 Views)