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From Wikifunctions
This page is a translated version of the page Wikifunctions:FAQ and the translation is 29% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Эта страница содержит ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы о Викифункциях. Если вашего вопроса здесь еще нет, вы можете задать его на странице обсуждения.

Also, please consider our FAQ on Meta regarding more general questions about Wikifunctions and Abstract Wikipedia.


О чем этот проект?

Викифункции – новый проект Викимедиа, содержащий каталог всех видов функций, которые любой может вызвать, написать, поддерживать и использовать. Проект также предоставляет базовую технологию, которая впоследствии позволит переводить не зависящие от языка статьи из абстрактной Википедии на язык любого раздела Википедии. Это позволит любому участнику редактировать и читать статьи на предпочитаемом языке.

Что такое функция?

Функции — это форма знаний, которая может ответить на вопросы, такие как, сколько дней прошло между двумя датами или расстояние между двумя городами. Более сложные функции могут ответить на более сложные вопросы, такие как объем трехмерной формы, расстояние между Марсом и Венерой в определенную дату или жили ли два вида в одно время.

We already use functions in many types of knowledge inquiries, such as asking a question to a search engine. The templates, such as Template:Convert and Template:Age on English Wikipedia, are also examples of functionalities that are already used in many Wikipedias, written in wikitext and Lua and manually copied to each wiki where it's wanted.

Что такое реализация?

Реализация — это определенный способ выполнения функции. Реализация — это рецепт, в котором перечислены шаги, необходимые для выполнения функции. Это может быть кусок кода в языке программирования или комбинация вызовов к другим функциям. Функция может иметь много вариантов реализации, и все они должны быть эквивалентными.

Что такое тест?

Тест — это способ определить, правильно ли выполняется функция. Функция, обычно, будет иметь несколько тестеров, каждый из которых указывает некоторые входные данные для функции и условия, которым должен удовлетворять результат выполнения функции для этих входных данных.

Например, тестеры для функции "регистр заголовка" могут включать: "abc" должен стать "Abc"; "war and peace" должен стать " War and Peace"; "во��на и мир" должен стать " война и мир"; и "123" должен оставаться "123".

Which features are available now, which will be soon available, and which are further away?

  • At launch:
    • We have the ability to have functions that work with Strings and Booleans.
    • Wikifunctions will be fully internationalized from the beginning. It can be used in any language.
  • Ongoing development:
    • Generic types and generic functions are not fully supported.
    • Adding types will, for now, be something that is limited to the development team. In the future, the community will be able to add more types. There is a lot of work to be done in the future to make types behave much more smoothly.
      • One particularly interesting type will be binary data, and particularly files.
    • We currently support two programming languages for implementations: JavaScript and Python. In the future, we want to support many more.
    • В настоящее время не возможно вызывать другие функции с помощью реализаций, написанных на другом языке программирования.
  • В будущем:
    • It will be possible to call Wikifunctions functions from other Wikimedia projects and integrate their results into the output of the page.
    • It will be possible to use data from Wikidata in functions.
    • It will be possible to call data sets from Commons Data namespace.

How is Wikifunctions multilingual?

Wikifunctions and Abstract Wikipedia are multilingual in a number of different ways which do not impact each other:

  • Wikifunctions is multilingual in terms of its content and user interface. Users can read and call functions on Wikifunctions in any natural language. Here is the “join string” function in English, Polish, and Hebrew, and it is available in many more languages.
  • Contributors can edit and improve Wikifunctions using their language. Even implementations can be edited in the natural language of the contributor. For example, the composition of the “and” function can be edited in German, English, or any other of about 300 languages.
  • Wikifunctions functions can be used to create results for any natural language. The community is creating a growing number of functions to support the generation of text in many natural languages. We have functions for Breton, Rohingya, English, and many other languages.
  • Functions in Wikifunctions can be implemented in various different programming languages. For example, the join function is implemented in both JavaScript and in Python.

Which programming languages does Wikifunctions currently support? Which programming languages will be supported in the future?

Currently, Wikifunctions supports implementations written in JavaScript and Python. We plan to add support for more programming languages in the future. We hope to add at least one further programming language in 2024 (but have not yet decided which one).

How will Wikifunctions be integrated into other projects?

Wikifunctions is the first step towards building Abstract Wikipedia. Our near-term focus will be on supporting the community and making improvements based on feedback. Concurrently, we will begin the process of integrating it with Wikipedia and Wikidata, which will enable broader real-life applications and get us closer to the vision of Abstract Wikipedia.

Contributors will be able to call functions from Wikifunctions from within their wikis. The result of the function call will be displayed to readers of the wiki. This can be used, for example, to calculate the age of a person, the population density based on population and area data from Wikidata, or to draw a graph and integrate it into a given article.

Another option to integrate Wikifunctions will be to integrate an interactive function call interface within their wiki. This could be used, for example, in a Wikipedia article to dynamically calculate the result of a physical equation based on reader-provided parameters, draw and interact with mathematical functions, etc.

Чем не являются Викифункции?

Пожалуйста, см. Викифункции:Чем не являются Викифункции для получения дополнительной информации по этому вопросу.

What license will the functions and derived content be under?

Per the discussion happened on Meta between November and December 2021, all contributions to Wikifunctions and the wider Abstract Wikipedia projects will be published under free licenses. In particular:

There are still some points that will need to be addressed in the future, such as the license of the generated content from the abstract content. We plan on drafting a more comprehensive document with the Legal department about how people can re-use code from Wikifunctions as painlessly as possible, while adhering to the license.


I'm new here. What is there for me to do and how can I help?

Welcome! We're very happy to have you here! There are many opportunities for contributing to Wikifunctions, from creating new functions to improving and translating documentation. If you are looking for ways to get involved, we recommend that maybe, depending on your level of comfort, you suggest a new function on a topic you are interested in. Or even create such a function. Provide some tests. Try your hand at an implementation. Help with translations. Read and improve our documentation. Help with organizing the community.

How do I create a new function, implementation, or test?

To see how to create a new function, implementation, or test, see Wikifunctions:Introduction.

To see in more detail how to create an implementation, see Wikifunctions:How to create implementations.

What should I edit first?

If you speak several languages, find functions that don't have labels and descriptions in your languages yet, and help adding these.

If you have some interest in a domain that could feature functions in Wikifunctions, but yet doesn't, or if you have more ideas for functions, go to the page for suggesting new functions, and present your ideas.

If you are a coder in JavaScript or Python, maybe you want to check for functions that don't yet have implementations in JavaScript or Python, and try to write them.

Где я могу найти помощь?

Первым делом изучите портал помощи, где вы найдете всю документацию, связанную с использованием и редактированием Викифункций. Если у Вас ещё остались вопросы, разместите сообщение на форуме, кто-то ответит на ваш вопрос.

Как мы сортируем или категоризируем функции?

Tracked in Phabricator:
Task T285424

For now, the best way to sort or categorize functions is doing it by hand through pages in the Wikifunctions namespace. Another option would be through the talk page of the given function. We will monitor these efforts, and discuss with the community which changes to the system would be helpful for this task.