TennoCon 2024 Guides
Make the most out of TennoCon with our guides to the show!
Posted On 2024-06-28 12:11:00
TennoCon 2024 Guides

 TennoCon 2024 Guides
 TennoCon 2024 Guides

TennoCon 2024 Guides

Curious about TennoCon? We've got you covered with this complete list of guides to make the most out of Warframe's biggest show of the year!

 TennoCon 2024 Guides

What is TennoCon?

Get your TennoCon 101 with this explanation of the show: from the convention's creation to the biggest reveals every year at TennoLive!

 TennoCon 2024 Guides

TennoCon Travel Guide

These are your top tips for traveling to London, Ontario to see TennoCon in person! Get to know the weather and a map of surrounding amenities before you go.

 TennoCon 2024 Guides

TennoCon: At the Event

This guide explains what to do once you actually reach TennoCon: including things like badge pickup, merch queues, claiming in-game rewards, and more!

 TennoCon 2024 Guides

TennoCon: At Home

TennoCon isn't just for those attending IRL! You still also enjoy the show remotely to earn incredible prizes and witness the big reveals live.

 TennoCon 2024 Guides

TennoCon: Behind the Scenes

One great thing about TennoCon is getting a peak behind the curtain on Warframe. Now you can learn more about the show and Digital Extremes itself with our behind the scenes articles!