
oh my cotton socks!

@snarkspawn / snarkspawn.tumblr.com

Rose's art dump. Sideblog. Mostly danmei and bl stuff rn, with some OCs peppered in and whatever else strikes my fancy. Please do not use or repost my art twitter | instagram »» COMMISSIONS ARE CLOSED««
When [Ken’s] eyes had regained their focus, there he stood, the pale ghost of vengeance, his unbound hair a dark halo around his ashen face. His eyes, as always, seeking above all to understand, as if the world had somehow wronged him. - @pharawee

A scene from our rp in which Big and Ken both live and have to deal with ... that

» you can now read it on ao3! ✨

Anonymous asked:

Nodt Heatstroke trend just dropped........ Did you manifest this orrrrrr 👀💅❤️😂


hehe 😏 I wish I had that kind of power lmao but I did yell out loud when I saw it earlier. It felt like a targeted post aimed at me specifically :'D

Funnily enough I was already thinking about doing a Big heatstroke thing so now I feel like I really have no excuse not to do it. That stupid hat compells me


Creator vs Creation

I was tagged by @uldren-sov and @kruk-art thank you both!! <3

>>> picrew <<<

Since it's almost dnd o'clock again I chose my boy Nian and uhh ... close enough ig lmao he punched a bunch of gnolls last time and everyone lived to tell the tale so why wouldn't he show off his bandages!!

Anyway idk who has or hasn't done this yet so as always feel free to ignore this but I'm tagging @lydiaalin @riessene @hoiist @kinnbig @laesas and apparently that's all the people you can @ in one post now?? so I'm also tagging YOU if you're reading this and really want to do it, consider this your tag :D

Anonymous asked:

Scrolled too fast and thought the drawing of Nash and Orion was Ken and Big kinnporsche but where Ken was stretching in a crop top and booty shorts and like Big was looking on disapprovingly. alternate universe ft the bodyguard outfits of my dreams tbh

lmaooo thank you + bless you for putting that mental image in my head (and giving me an excuse to put it out there because of course I had to doodle that)

bonus: reminder that I drew this ages ago

Anonymous asked:

Play Hatred. It's a murder simulator game where you become the homicidal and nihilistic edgelord you always dream of as a kid.

Anon idk what made you send me this and I do appreciate the sentiment but I'm gonna be real with you here, with everything going on rn I feel like I very much need whatever the opposite of this is lol

Like a peace and love on planet Earth simulator

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