
decayed arts


Feel free to send me your edeleth prompts, hcs, or rabbles ^^ (sentenced to FE3H brainrot) Icon by GoldHalberd Commission Form: https://forms.gle/KDgRd3aLXsJWpfZ86 Portfolio Website: https://decayedarts.carrd.co/

A tribute for 5 years of Fire Emblem Three Houses 🦁🫎🦅

An animation I made with my beloved friends over the course of 2-3 weeks! We worked really hard on this 🙏


Ferdinand: Yes

[Hubert: Must we sit like this, Ferdinand?]

[Edelgard: This is a war council. Please save your ogling for later.]


I’ve seen one too many polls questioning whether Hubert is trans lately so I had to quickly sketch post-timeskip dark flier trans Hubert (Helena). She wields the Arrow of Indra, has an unnecessary boob window, and if you make eye contact with her on the battlefield you should just start crying bc you’re fucking dead. Like come on y’all did we even play the same game


"Five years...such a short time, but it feels like an eternity ago."

Happy 5 years, Fire Emblem: Three Houses!


Okay, opinions: what if I did my own Edeleth Week? 🤔

The people have spoken. Now I gotta do some research on how best to set everything up. If you're interested in helping or have some previous knowledge on how to run events like these, you're free to message me on here with any advice/tips. Imma start taking some notes 🫡


FE3H Polls Day 12

You’re assigned a huge essay and presentation that you have to complete with a partner. Which (Academy Phase) lord are you working with?

Claude is great at research, presenting, and writing, and his contributions are excellent, but he’s incredibly disorganized and almost impossible to get in touch with unless it’s of his own volition.

Edelgard is thorough, detail oriented, and a great writer and presenter. Her contributions will be flawless and completed early, but she’s overly commanding and will send you dozens upon dozens upon dozens of emails.

Dimitri is patient, courteous, and splits the work fairly, but he’s overly attentive to the rubric and easily distracted. He frequently bails on meetings in order to fulfill his other obligations.


byleth gives the energy of the kind of teacher who leans over you while theyre helping you but it just results in them getting crazy in your personal space… anyways rip edelgard you woulda loved tumblr teacher crush community or whatever

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