
Sunsets aren't all that.


First of all, BITCH
J, 21.

MOVIES WATCHED IN 2020PRIDE & PREJUDICE (2005) dir. Joe Wright


i’d give it all up for this man my mom taught me not to lie


if my dad made me wings out of wax and feathers in order to escape our prison home i wouldn’t die

rip to icarus but im different


Coworker: nice day out huh?

Me, who watched a 2hr documentary about the Hindenburg disaster the night before and is desperately trying to share the information i learned: yeah, a real nice day, not at all like May 6, 1937 in Germany.


the real “problem with political correctness” is not that it’s considered offensive to use slurs, but that there are now many “progressive” environments where saying the right things is more important than doing the right thing. it’s why it’s so easy for abusers to gain traction in leftist circles (they learn the right words quickly and employ them to frame their own behavior as progressive); it’s why so much potential activist energy gets poured into fighting about language; it’s why moderate liberals didn’t believe fer/guson had a problem until the police emails with actual racist language were leaked. (you can do racist things, you just can’t SAY racist things.) i don’t have a neat conclusion here but a related point is that i’m so much happier since i started focusing on like, being a good kind caring person instead of trying to remove the word “crazy” from the vocabulary of everyone in my family

Just saying this is truly one of the best “discourse” posts on this site like……this hits the nail directly on the head re: what is going on with language right now and everyone pushing back in the notes only serves to further prove the point it’s making


Anyone else constantly on edge because we are in the final stages of late capitalism and these next couple of decades are gonna be make or break for the western world, and this just happens to coincide with the part of my life where I’m supposed to make something of myself :/

You didn’t have to say it with words


why divide people by unrational things when you COULD divide them by whether their word for cotton candy is valid or not ?


american english: cotton candy ✅ good

british english: fairy floss ❌ not valid

spanish, german: sugar cotton ✅ good

french: daddy’s beard ❌ NOT VALID

I’m sorry the French call it what


Arabic: girl’s hair

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