
am i doing this right??


18+ minors dni thanks art, writing, n stuff. No set in fandom, random shit.

sorry guys promise i'll post more (i havent disappeared) life's just been busy!!


We all mutually agree the Canon ending of cyberpunk is V and Johnny both living because they get Johnny a body and V survives the chip being removed.

But do we all agree that everyone is freaked the fuck out by the fact Johnny and V copy each other without even realising it.

They'll both sit at the same time, they'll both prop their ankle on their knee at the same time, they'll both light a cig at the same time, laugh the same, smirk the same, drink the same, breathe the same.

And they don't even notice it.

But everyone else? Especially Kerry and Rogue? Freaked the fuck out, assuming it's a joke until Panem mentions it and they both reply, at the same time, 'no idea what your on about' and not even notice what they did.


i meant to finish this a long time ago, file deets say late 2022 this was made so two years ago this has stayed a wip 😭😭

anyways its just my ocs!! Miya in front and Matthew in the back :3


love ash kencorps 'absolute territory' song sm i felt like ripping off it's cover art. (for better quality go to my tumblr or someshit instagram sucks with it's qual compression)

i got lazy with the background so just focus on Miya 🤭

had this song on replay for god knows how long because the sheer grip this song has on me is unholy.

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