
Only You

@mr-arainai / mr-arainai.tumblr.com

I Katharina | they/them | 25 | Germany | History student & crying about video games | On all levels except physical I'm an artist | Art sideblog @zenodraws | prints 'n more fun stuff @ mr-arainai.redbubble.com
Anonymous asked:

I love your art! Its amazing

Thanks so much anon!🥺❤️


Since I finally posted The Chapter yesterday, today I thought I’d post the accompanying art (by the ever-incredible @mr-arainai/ @zenodraws)! Thank you so much, Katharina, for this absolutely beautiful piece, and thank you for being so patient with me!

“I’m lost,” John whispers, knowing full well that Rook will leap on this opportunity to fix, to patch, to support.
Rook draws back slightly, his hands still warm against John’s body. He looks into John’s eyes, the black-brown of his gaze almost warm, almost tender.
“I promise you, John,” he says, sincerely. “You’re not lost, you’re found. You’re not alone. No matter how far you think you’ve fallen, you can get right back up, and I’ll be right here to help you.”
It’s too good an opportunity to pass up. It’s a perfect Hallmark moment.
John leans forward, and presses his lips against Rook’s.
Anonymous asked:

would it be alright to use your art as a profile picture on twitter & credit you in my bio?

Sure!☺️I‘ve come across people using my art without crediting or checking in with me (and other artists), so thanks for asking first, nonny 🙌💖

Anonymous asked:

the art you make are fucking masterpieces 🥺🧡 but I specially fell in love with flower boy Arthur 😭 will it be okay with you if i save it on my phone and make it as my lockscreen?

Awww sweet anon, thank you so much! 🥰 But of course, that’s what my art  (or any art, really?) is for - to be looked at and hopefully spark joy! 😃♥️ 


yeah I'm an artist ❤️

*draws person standing up doing nothing**draws person standing up doing nothing**draws person standing up doing nothing**draws 3/4 side view headshot**draws person standing up doing nothing*

“Sheriff, I know this looks bad,” Matthew said, clutching the cat tighter to his chest. “I know Magrat here is technically evidence in a major crime, and I know you don’t allow animals in the office, and I know I’m supposed to be out on patrol right now instead of playing with her, but you’re missing a very important fact.”
“…Which is what, exactly?”
“I love her.”

Thank you so much, @mr-arainai, for this wonderfully soft picture! It’s so cute, and really made my week <3

You can see more of Katharina’s fantastic art at @zenodraws, and more of Matthew here.

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