


I am an artist who loves to create various forms of pieces. Sketching, mobile photography, and game concept art drawings are my favourite activities. This is my ArtVerse | Instagram: @mallean729 | Twitter: @MK_Tomar | Pinterest: https://pin.it/7guIr8O

I love Judy Alvarez a lot. Thought to show my admiration for the badass character through my sketch.

I know this is not impressive. Will improve further.


Please never call your work "not impressive". We love your version of Judy!


@cyberpunkgame this is insane!! Thanks a lot❤️😍😍 I am speechless……big thanks for sharing my Judy Alvarez sketch on your handle💯🙏🏻🤩 I lovvvve CYBERPUNK2077


Came up with my own DEATH STRANDING album cover art… with some editing in Polarr app on my iPhone.

Since I love Mama, aka Målingen, a lot in terms of the game characters…. I chose her to be on my custom album cover art of the Hideo Kojima title.

Now I can keep looking at this gorgeous picture whenever I listen to the game’s fantabulous tracks on my phone in the Apple Music library.

For the part of sharing my custom album cover art for the game, thought to add my own tracks to this post. Feel free to appreciate the cover art while experiencing the track’s ambience in your head.


Hello, My name is Matheus Zaramello and I cosplay Nathan Drake, I’m a huge fan of the Uncharted franchise and Naughty Dog!



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