

@ky-rar / ky-rar.tumblr.com

I draw things and post them here.
Anonymous asked:

hi! I was just curious if you let ppl use your art as profile pics? with credit ofc. sorry if you’ve said this before, I found ur art on a uquiz lol.

I don't actually think anybody has ever asked me this lol so no worries

But if it's just some random skeleton/monster art sure, go ahead, if it's an actual oc (mine or others, will be tagged) I'd prefer it if you didn't.

Edit: fan art of existing characters is fine too of course, I just forgot I actually drew some haha

Anonymous asked:

i'm so glad your first rogue trader art wasn't the only one we got! (that comic is a delight i'm losing it)

Aww thank you! I have more ideas, but not a lot of time or energy, so sadly I can't make any promises about more :,)


This video was recommended to me today and I watched it out of curiosity. Honestly I think this is one of the best advice videos for adults who want to get (back) into art I've seen and it only has around 400 views right now. So I thought I'd share it on my art blog that at least has a couple followers.

If you've ever wanted to try to get into art but felt intimidated or don't know where to start I really recommend it. Even if you are an artist I think some of the exercises she gives at the end might be a fun to do to get out of an art block or help when you feel like you're stuck.


I can't believe I actually managed to draw something every month this year. Although for most months this is the only thing I drew. Well. I'll take what I can get.

This year I think I might take a step back from art, so don't worry if I post even less. I think I need some time to re-evaluate what I want and where I want to go from here. There are also a few things I want to prioritize this year, so I'm not sure how much time there will be left for art.

Happy (belated) new year everybody!

Jan, Apr, Jul, Sep & Dec featuring characters by @mmigrainee

August featuring a character by @moonlitalien

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