

@frogblast-the-ventcore / frogblast-the-ventcore.tumblr.com

31, he/him, Reddit semi-refugee, forever DM, pan/cis+/demi-romantic, pfp by @fairytaleofgears, ♥️@baldy-wan-kenobi♥️; currently co-writing Touchdown 3153: A Battletech AU!

Touchdown 3153: A Battletech AU

Hello all!

Over the past month and half or so, myself and a bunch of really extremely talented writers and Battletech nerds have been working on a collaborative fan fiction project, set in the Battletech universe.

It has grown to nearly 71,600 words as of writing this post (06/10/2024), and 24 fics posted, some of which are still WIPs!

And we're nowhere close to finished! It would mean a lot to all of us if you would give a bit of your time and check out our stories! Even if you know nothing about Battletech, I hope there is something there to tweak your interest!

We have a collection set up to collate all the stories together (and there may be plans in the works for something even cooler down the line!)


I'm watching Columbo for the first time and I've said this to my friends but this show is the opposite of Breaking Bad. Everything I've heard about this show from Tumblr is 100% accurate. Lieutenant Columbo really is a funny little guy who everyone thinks is an idiot and says "my wife" and "just one more thing" every other scene. I'm enraptured.

Columbo and the Knight (1984)

put me in the universe where Columbo ran through the 1980s and had a crossover episode with Knight Rider. I think they deserved it, and I am not just saying that because they're my two favorite Old Shows. @telebeast wrote a little fanfic blurb about it and I HAD to visualize it into a comic (which is also the longest comic I have finished thus far at five pages...), so writing credit goes to them.

Autism W!


Modern Sherlock Holmes but he’s a 27 year old, drinks energy drinks only, is astonishing polite and has no idea how the solar system works because it was never relevant to a case but can name every every person involved in making Super Mario Bros because he did need that for a case once.

Watson is continuously appalled about his eating habits and makes vague posts on Twitter that ends in threads like

Watson: “My roommate noticed only today that he can label his email inboxs but took apart his entire bloody laptop two weeks ago.”

Person: “This reminds me of the post about the roommate who couldn’t turn on the coffee machine but remembers like 500 numbers of pi”

Watson: “I’ll be delighted to inform you that this is the very same roommate.”

Epistolary Sherlock Holmes told through Watson’s social media posts about his unhinged roommate


long ass car trips are alot like the modern day whaling voyage if you think about it. I think itd really be improved if the passenger seat could launch harpoons at passing pickup trucks though

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