
Hack the Planet™

@byberbunk2069 / byberbunk2069.tumblr.com

My main blog is: @particle-beam-phalanx. This is a side blog for my slightly modded Vs/OCs and the Gays Only AU they inhabit (not literally its just very *The LGBT+ Agenda*). Sometimes I'll talk about other cyberpunk genre stuff here and how much I hate Cyberpunk 2077 (kind of joking). I will literally die for Rita Wheeler and Song So Mi (UK, she/her)

Portrait of Madame X, John Singer Sargent

Even recognizing certain qualities that the painting has, we are shocked by the spineless expression and the vulgar character of the figure.

I love how before Phantom Liberty I had Veil as "a rebellious chick who had to sell out to an oppressive system to save her own skin" as part of her character and then with Phantom Liberty you learn that the central netrunner character was "a rebellious chick who had to sell out to an oppressive system to save her own skin"


Anyone want to talk about Night Corp conspiracy theories? (Or other NC conspiracies too.) I'll listen to your hot takes.

Perhaps? I mean, makes you think what else Night Corp would get out of this exchange besides extorting permission to build outside of Night City limits? Building a transcontinental maglev is pretty ambitious considering how fragmented the NUSA is, not to mention you've got the Free States to contend with. For a small, rather localized, corp that's a lot of negotiating to do. Plus, blackmail and extortion aren't great for building friendly relationships, something you would need to maintain the longevity of said transportation system outside your home turf. You'd think the NUSA, courtesy of Militech, would have the firepower to just take Night Corp out if they went over the line. Night Corp's bread and butter is infrastructure, not weapons.

But funny thing... Night Corp's already pretty cozy with Militech if the gossip around town is anything to go off of. Equipment contracts with NCPD and MaxTac (of which Night Corp are the biggest financial investors) not to mention a security contract with Militech for guarding that maglev tunnel you can break into with Panam and the Aldecaldos in one of the game endings...

That makes me wonder why you need military grade security for a construction site though? What are you actually building?

iirc the Maglev tunnel goes all the way through to Pacifica and Night Corp might wanna try and tunnel in to Cynosure?

Also I think Night Corp is confident that in the event of a 5th Corpo War Militech will dominate the weakened Arasaka and want to be on the winning side. And if SSI and Mr. B are part of Night Corp (as far as I'm concernd they are idgaf) I'd say the long term goal is to get the federalists on to their side. And also Orbital Air now gunning for them (depending on how you close out Phantom Liberty), they'd like to have the big guns on their side.

There's also that saying of keeping friends close and enemies closer. So I think wrt to the headcanon of Mr. B/SSI/Night Corp getting Blackwall dirt on the NUS and Militech is probably going to be their nuclear option in case they feel like the NUS will overstep their boundaries.

An additional part of the headcanon is that Night Corp will now have netrunners who can harness the power of the Blackwall (which ties in to my So Mi/Veil reunion fic that will get written one day I swear). And its all part of Night Corp's long term goal of securing the independence of NC.


They have the still living brain of Richard Night now hooked up at the bottom of Night Corp HQ at City Center and it is only accessible via the maglev tunnels. Militech contractors are only told what they need to know so as far as they're concerned they're just guarding the choo-choo-train project. Night Corp want to hook up Dick Night to the Blackwall once they secretly tunnel in to Cynosure.

You're right, there are maglev tunnels that go to Pacifica. The VooDoo Boys are using one of them as their netrunner base and, I'm trying to remember, but there's a shard or a comp message in one of the corpo plaza gigs that also mentions it I think too. Something about city council trying to reestablish the line? I'm not sure. The tunnel thing def feels like they're using spoons to dig to Mikoshi and Cynosure though, which is kind of hilarious, but people have done dumber shit before and still had it work. So, hey.

Oh, and for sure SSI and Mr. Blue Eyes are connected to Night Corp. I'm just still trying to figure out the whys and hows. And sounds like a very cool setup for your fic btw.

Not an incomprehensible mess at all. And I'm all for renaming the nomad ending. Nothing quite like driving a giant drill into the basement of Arasaka Tower.

Also, props for straight up calling him Dick Night. That made me laugh. I'm calling him that from now on rofl.


the moment you make an oc for a game your life is over you’ll be replaying it until you could run through the tutorial blindfolded just cause you miss playing pretend with your guy

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