

@bluerelics / bluerelics.tumblr.com

I guess this is a bit of an artblog now. Search the tag #my art in my blog searchbar for, you guessed it, my art! Includes fan art for a bunch of things that have no relation whatsoever, including, but not limited to QOTSA and the band Ghost!

I heard that some people think Keanu wasn’t a good fit for Johnny Silverhand and to that I’d ask... who would have been better? A no-name voice actor? A big name voice actor? An oscar nominee? Please!

What we got from Keannu is something we couldn’t have gotten from anyone else, because others would have just tried to act the hell out of that role and I just don’t think that would have produced the same results as the very particular kind of charisma that Keanu has. 

And yes, the starpower is a big factor in this case, but not in the “this will get the game more sells” way, but rather in the “this will sell this character more” way.

Oh, and his acting ability was perfectly fine for this game. He is an actor after all. He knows what he’s doing.


Cyberpunk 2077 first impressions

I’m not going to lie, there are some problems with this game, bugs, glitches, and an underwhelming character creator (when it comes to a masculine body, at least), but the good parts... they’re really good. This whole thing is something special. It’s not necessarily that it does something completely new, it just does everything in a way that hasn’t really been done before, not to this extent at least, and not in this combination. The excellent worldbuilding, the constant first-person perspective, the attention to detail, not to mention the way dialog is done... they all add up to this extra dimension to the game, that makes you feel like you’re there.

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