Printer Friendly Enables Consumers to Voice Their Grievances Online and Truly Make a Difference.

New York, NY, July 19, 2013 --( Even though they have only been around for a few months, is forging a new path in the Complaints Delivery Service Industry by making it more efficient for consumers and small businesses to get the word out on companies/institutions who engage in scams or just plain old bad business practices.

The site's name literally speaks for itself as the online company's goal is to make sure that your complaints about whoever gets seen by as many people as possible online. "We've found that Americans are really tired of the lack of quality customer service, tired of consumer products that just don't live up to their name, etc. and individuals need an outlet to be able to let voice their discontent. At the same time, it also creates a window for a possible resolution to whatever issue they may have with a particular company," says Chris Alexzander, President of

The online company is quite flexible in who they allow individuals to submit complaints about, in fact, the recent not-guilty verdict of George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin Murder Trial prompted many people to voice their concerns with how the case was handled and the jury's ruling. "We've been hiring leafleteers (individuals who hand out flyer's promoting our company) in 18 different states including Florida for weeks now promoting our website, and once the verdict came down in the trial of George Zimmerman, we were hit with a number of angry submissions/complaints from people who strongly disagreed with the jury's decision." Chris Alexzander goes on to say, "Their complaints also focused on the Florida State Attorney in the Fourth Judicial Circuit Court Angela B. Corey and the Prosecution Team in general, especially how they conducted their post-trial press conference."

The website virtually allows individuals and businesses to submit a complaint about a company, institution (like banks, government entities, home owners associations, etc), or even an individual. By submitting your complaint to the website, they do all the leg work for you and post your complaint on a large number of websites all geared towards exposing scams, wrongdoers, and improper protocols/procedures, etc.

"Our customers realized really quickly that with a site like ours, they can force change in how groups conduct their businesses. Companies can't hide their bad business practices when it's posted on tons of different websites all over the internet. Anyone doing a simple online search on that particular individual, group, or company will see pages of negative postings about them, and that's bad for business!"

For More Information or if you wish to submit your own complaint for the company to distribute and post through the web, please visit:


We Post Complaints

New York, NY

Phone# (646) 439-6514

Contact Information:

Chris Alexzander

954 529 7790

Contact via Email

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Date:Jul 19, 2013
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