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The characteristics of integration system of buffalo cultivation in North Toraja Regency.


This study aims to portray the characteristics of buffalo cultivation in North Toraja Regency. This study was conducted for 4 (four) months, that is from August to November 2015. The locations of this study was covering Lembang Roroan Barra'-Barra' area, Buntu Pepasan District, North Toraja Regency. Primary data was collected through surveys and focus group discussions and interviews with 30 people (5% of farmers). Furthermore, the data were analyzed descriptively. The result indicated that farmer in North Toraja have not implemented a cultivation scheme through integration system yet. Whereas the integration system of farming and livestock is suitable because mutually beneficial (symbiotic mutualism) with one another both in terms of supply of feed for buffalo and supply of manure for agricultural crops. It can increase the income of farmers-breeders in North Toraja especially in Buntu pepasan District, in addition the integration process crop-livestock can significantly conserve nutrients from the soil.


Buffalo, Characteristics of Cultivation, North Toraja, Integration.


Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) has an important role in economic development in some countries in the world (such as in Asia, Europe, and America) and in general they perform integration with agriculture in a broad sense and other sectors such as tourism. Buffaloes are local livestock that live in humid areas, particularly in the area around the tropics. Buffaloes love the water much, buffaloes is a type of livestock that have the potential to be developed in the countryside. Murti [1] states that the interest of farmers and entrepreneurs for the buffalo commodities is lower than cattle. Buffaloes that produce meat, milk, and as labor, is sometimes called triple purposes animal. In addition, buffaloes' byproducts that are potential are skin and horns. Skin and horns have a significant economic potential and they are one of export commodity as raw materials for industry.

One of the areas in Indonesia which has a high tourism potential in addition to Bali Island is North Toraja regency in South Sulawesi province. North Toraja Regency is famous with ceremonial feast, the funeral ceremony which is called Rambu Solo where the precondition is the buffalo that became a symbol of cultural and social status. Buffaloes are prepared to be a tribute to the ceremonies, which have special characteristics and maintained. Buffaloes had been expected to conform to the symbols that required for Rambu Solo ceremony. Once the importance of the buffalo as part of Rambu Solo ceremony, it is causing the number of buffaloes can reach hundreds each year [2].

Buffalo has been developed by people in relatively small business scale since a long time ago, for production purpose, labor, meat and skin, and a small portion of milk production, composting, and energy sources. In North Toraja, buffalo has an important role for human life, in terms of social and economic, with the traditional cultivating system and it is public farm. The buffalo has a distinctive feature compared to cows. The ability of buffaloes in exploiting crude fiber, adaptability to the area that is in ugly condition and the weight are relatively large, and then there is a very big possibility to develop a good cattle meat producer [3].

Based on the reason given above, North Toraja has been encouraged to develop buffaloes. Besides, this area has the potential for the development of buffaloes as natural resources (pasture, water resources, and agricultural crops) and human resources. Fulfilling the needs of buffaloes for Rambu Solo now more widely imported from outside the North Toraja, rather than the buffaloes from North Toraja itself. It can cause in a loss of the potential income of the society from buffaloes business and can also be at risk by the disease (zoonosis) carried by the buffaloes imported from outside the North Toraja. The lack of buffalo supply in North Toraja due to the unavailability of seeds, qualified stem, intensively technology application, so that the productivity of buffalo is low. The development of buffaloes cannot be done independently (monoculture), so it should be done with the integrated model with the development of agriculture such as food crops, plantation crops, and forestry in order to avoid competition in land use primarily for the supply of feed resources.

The integration system of livestock-crop is a method to optimize the potential of the agriculture / plantation resource had by the farmers-breeders in several countries in the Southeast Asia. Integrating the agriculture-husbandry is utilizing all resources in the system so the production can be obtained proportionately and chronically. The utilization process can be happened effectively and efficiently. The existence of all sectors in a zone of the region will have positive impact on the formation of complete ecosystem and all components of production. It will not become the waste because it will be certainly used by other components. The purpose of this study is to photograph the model of the cultivating the buffaloes integration with agriculture in the development of the buffalo cultivation in North Toraja District.


The study was carried on four months, from August to November 2015. The research locations cover the area of Lembang Roroan Barra' - Barra ', Buntu Pepasan Sub-District, North Toraja District in 2015. The location was chosen with several considerations, ( 1 ) the location is one of the producing sectors of buffaloes that have high economic value that can increase people's income, ( 2 ) The strategic location for the buffalo cultivating development, ( 3 ) this location has the potential sources of unique tourism, In addition the selection of location based on :

1. The popularity of North Toraja as one of the cultural tourism destination.

2. The planning of the development area of buffaloes in accordance with the government program local area.

3. The availability of forage derived from agricultural waste, plantation and forestry.

4. The location which has a buffalo development prospects in terms of land availability and infrastructure area.

Primary data was collected through surveys and FGD either interviews with 30 farmers per each group (5 % of the number of farmers) that includes technical aspects include the potential and constraints, cage systems, the regulation of feeding, reproduction, and breeding. Furthermore, the data were analyzed descriptively.


General Situation of Buffalo on the Research Location:

The buffaloes population in North Toraja District based on the data obtained from the livestock services of North Toraja regency in 2009 are 19.261 heads, and in 2010 the population of buffaloes are 21 464 heads. It is said increase compared with the previous year [4]. Based on the data obtained, Buntu Pepasan Sub-District has the buffalo population of 869 birds (Table 1). Buntu Pepasan Sub-district is one of sub-districts that have a significant role in supporting the provision of seeds and buffalo meat for the North Toraja District.

The labor that is used in cultivating the livestock of buffalo is generally used by family labor. The development of Human resource of livestock is directed to the increasing of awareness and self-confidence through the increasing of knowledge and skills. The results of this study showed that the educational level of farmers relatively well, most of them have graduated from senior high school, although there are farmers who have never attended school.

The buffalo breeders in the Buntu Pepasan sub-district have been cultivating buffalo extensively for long, where the animals are tied around the yard of the house at night and shepherd in the field or around the garden during the day. Buffaloes are usually taken to the river during the day to wallow. Averagely, the farmer in the sub-district cultivates 3-5 buffaloes (Table 2). According to the research by Praharani [6] one of the buffaloes cage systems are not grounded, but provided Shelter (shade) used at night.

Beside the use of agricultural lands and plantations as either the shepherd location and the agricultural waste, so one thing which can be conducted in the supplying feed for buffalo livestock are cropping forage. The forage crop for feed can be done by utilizing land that has not been utilized and cultivated plant is conditioned with fondness livestock, land and environment.

Cultivating System:

The Buffalo breeders in Lembang Roroan Barra'-barra 'which has long been cultivating the buffalo extensively, where the animals are only tied around the house yard at night and shepherd in the paddocks during the day. According to the respondents, it is conducted because this is the easier way to control the cultivation of buffalo. During the day the breeders shepherd his livestock in the field and also around their plantation field.

Supplying of forage by breeders is additional feed grass and field grass. The additional feed like bran or cassava. In the dry season, farmers are having trouble finding the forage where natural grass becomes dry in the pasture, so the livestock is usually only given sweet potato leaves which is planted by them. While the rainy season and grass field is abundant. Provision the forage as ad libitum for livestock helps to maintain the prime's body condition had an effect on reproductive performance. Buffalo is known having better skills in the use of low-quality fiber feed with high crude fiber such as rice straw, corn and peanuts to be turned into meat and milk. Dhanda [7] stated that buffalo has the ability to the crude fiber digestibility 5 percent higher than in cattle, and 4-5 percent more efficient in the use of metabolic energy to produce milk and meat.

Animal mating systems is conducted by natural mating system using a stud owned by the breeders. The marriage system has been long occurred in this area since the buffalo farms in this area has not been completely untouched yet by technology so the breeders rely only on natural marriage buffaloes. In addition, according to the breeders that the incidence of estrus of buffaloes is difficult to be detected so it complicate the coming of artificial insemination technology (AI). According to Pasambe [8], the guidance to livestock farmers, especially technological innovation in cultivation system and management of livestock, include engineering seed selection, improved feed, fattening and technology for the conservation of buffalo-specific, "buffalo striped" should continue to be pursued in support of program provision and self-sufficiency of meat , particularly in meeting the needs of Toraja society and North Toraja in rituals, most of which are still imported from the another district and the province of South Sulawesi.

Buffalo manure has not managed for commercial yet, because all day the livestock in the paddocks and at night the buffaloes are not caged so difficult to collect the manure. Based on the survey and FGD of breeders in this area do not know the economic value of animal wastes that can be used as a substitute for chemical fertilizer, thereby reducing fertilizer costs for agricultural crops. Based on the survey results, the way of North Toraja people breed still actually use traditional ranching systems and untouched technologies. In addition buffalo ranch in North Toraja has not integrated yet with agriculture or farm.

The views on Economic, Social and Cultural of Buffalo:

Generally, the price of buffaloes in North Toraja District is higher than the price of buffaloes in other districts, it is a high economic potential. It corresponds to a customary ritual where buffaloes have an important position. According to Pasambe [8] from year to year, a function of buffalo meat producer decreased compared to cows. Since 2008 until now, the buffalo population ranged along 1.3 to 2 million heads since 2011 the population is not more than 1.5 million heads.

The Fattening effort relating to tradition rule may provide more benefits than used only for meat. In South Sulawesi, buffaloes which are fattened and chosen as the component for ritual needs (social culture) of North Toraja Society. Besides, the buffaloes having high sell price can be seen as well from the pattern and motif of their skin. According to Sariubang et al. [9] the demand of spotted buffalo for social purposes is very high, so encourage the breeders to do more serious effort because the price is very high. To produce a buffalo spotted first class that is Saleko required hundreds of births, which means likely to encourage the birth and the population of buffaloes. While Hakin and Limbong [10] suggests that the buffaloes of Toraja have vary value per head valued based on performance of individual body from the horns to toe that can be directly linked to the price of buffalo that will be sold, or inheritance if inherited, or to determine the position of the owner's family. The buffaloes which have high sell price is the male buffalo. The evaluation criteria for these communities are the traditional knowledge that can be applied as an assessment of male livestock seed because it has the highest selling price. The male buffaloes were selected specifically based on the pattern of colors, shapes and patterns of the horn and have the type of fighter that is fighting ability.

The Buffalo as one of the meat-producers livestock as well as livestock that have a high social value, especially in the party "rambu solo" (funeral) then it is needed a necessary effort for the increase of population and productivity. This could be stepped among others through technologies, fostering the local rancher in production, forage improvement and cultivating management, seed quality selection or fattening. According to Arjuna [11] there are several factors that must be done in order to increase the population and the quality of buffalo,

a. Continuous commitment. The decline of Buffalo population in certain areas has been long happened, but so far the government encouragement, especially local governments is unreal encouraging population growth in their respective regions. Not a few buffalo breeders are located far from the center of government that is untouched by the development rate. The facilities for the population increase both software and hardware has not reached to the hands of buffalo breeders. The buffalo rancher seemed to walk alone without knowing where it was going.

b. The formation of groups of livestock. In groups of farmers can plan the business to be conducted in connection with the increase in population, including the formation of a group cage. Cage group when managed well with a high awareness can solve the problem of the absence of a male and delay marriage; National Workshop on Buffalo Breeding 2012: 94.

c. Make a selection, either on the female and male buffalo, especially on male buffalo. Given the males in one year able to marry the 50 females and if all succeed pregnant it will be calve with good genetic quality. At this time, female or male of buffalo that looks bigger is the fastest way to slaughterhouse. The government's role to encompass the long phenomenon so that it can be reduced.

Dissecting Issues the Buffalo in North Toraja through Integration System with Agriculture:

Crop-livestock integration system can be applied to a buffalo farm located in North Toraja considering the good potential of the area to commodity including agricultural crops and plantations that can be integrated with livestock. System integration of crop livestock farming binds all components either horizontally or vertically, so no waste is wasted both of farms and agricultural [12]. This system is very environmentally friendly and able to broaden sources of income and reduce the risk of failure [13, 14].

The utilization of agricultural wastes as animal feed and livestock waste in the form of manure as fertilizer for agricultural crops is an example of integration between livestock and agriculture. Manure is animal waste that can be used as a source of soil organic. Even all the waste of livestock and feed can be processed as in situ to produce biogas as an alternative energy. Residues of biogas production, in the form of compost are a source of organic fertilizer for plants, as well as soil amendment.

Agricultural waste can be utilized until without waste discharged so can conserve the nutrients from the soil-plant-animal to the ground. This process can become wisdom for the environment that needs to be cultivated widely can preserve natural resources. This could definitely be realized through improved knowledge and skills of breeders as well as for supporting multiple technologies [15]. Thus the integration of livestock-farming system needs to be applied in the North Toraja given that there are advantages to be gained to the breeders and the environment.


The results indicate that farmers in North Toraja have not implemented the cultivation system through integration yet. Whereas livestock farming integration system is suitable for mutually beneficial (symbiotic mutualism) with one another both on the supply side and the provision of feed for buffalo manure for agricultural crops. This can increase the income of farmers-breeders in North Toraja especially in Buntu Pepasan Sub district, in addition to the crop-livestock integration process can significantly conserve the nutrients from the soil. Thus the livestock systems through integration with agricultural crops is very suitable to be applied in the North Toraja given the many advantages that can be obtained by breeders and the environment.


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[3] Kuswandi, 2007. Peluang pengembangan ternak kerbau berbasis pakan limbah pertanian. Wartazoa Vol. 17 No. 3 Th.

[4] Pemerintah Kabupaten Tana Toraja, 2012. Sejarah singkat Kabupaten Tana Toraja. Pemerintah Kabupaten Tana Toraja Diunduh tanggal.

[5] Central Bureau of Statistics of North Toraja, 2016. Agriculture Census 2013, Central Bureau of Statistics, North Toraja.

[6] Praharani, L., E. Juarini dan I.G.M. Budiarsana, 2010. Parameter indikator inbreeding rate pada populasi ternak kerbau di Kabupaten Lebak. Pros. Semiloka Kerbau Nasional IV. Brebes, Jawa Tengah.

[7] Dhanda, O.P., 2004. Developments in water buffalo in Asia and Oceania. Proceeding7th World Buffalo Congress. 20-23October 2004, Makati Shangri-La Hotel, Ayala Avenue, Makati City, Philippines. pp: 17-28.

[8] Pasambe, B., Sunanto, M.P. Sirppa, 2014. Kajian potensi pengembangan ternak kerbau di kabupaten Toaja Utara. Buletin Peternakan Disnak Keswan Prov. Sul Sel.

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[10] Hakim, R.M., dan R. Limbong, 2012. Perkembangan pembibitan ternak kerbau di Kabupaten Tana Toraja. Lokakarya Nasional Perbibitan Kerbau.

[11] Arjuna, D., 2006. Manajemen pembibitan ternak: Problematika perkembangan ternak kerbau di Indonesia.

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[14] Adnyana, M.O., 2005. Pengembangan system integrasi tanaman-ternak bebas limbah di KP Muara. Pusat penelitiana dan pengembangan tanaman pangan, Bogor.

[15] Haryono, B., 2009. Inovasi teknologi pakan ternak dalam system integrasi tanaman-ternak bebas limbah menduung upaya peningkatan produksi daging. Pengembangan Inovasi Pertanian, 2(3): 163-176.

(1) Andi Suarda, (1) Muhammad Anshar, (2) Muhammad Darwis, (2) Sudarsono, (2) Syamsuddin Hasan, (1) Juhanis

(1) Science and Technology Faculty of University of Islam Negeri, Samata-Gowa, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

(2) Animal Science Faculty of Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

(3) Laboratories assistant of Forage and Pasture Science, Animal Science Faculty of Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Received 18 September 2016; Accepted 15 February 2017

Address For Correspondence:

Andi Suarda, Science and Technology Faculty of Islam Negeri University, Samata-Gowa, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Table 1: Number of buffaloes in North Toraja District [5]

No  Sub district         Total (Heads)

 1  Sopai                  832
 2  Kesu                   824
 3  Sanggalangi              1.266
 4  Buntao                 749
 5  Rantebua                 1.567
 6  Nanggala                 1.623
 7  Tondon                 822
 8  Tallunglipu            816
 9  Rantepao               387
10  Tikala                 537
11  Sesean                 878
12  Balusu                   1.360
13  Sa'dan                   1.821
14  Bengkelekila           644
15  Sesean Suloara         441
16  Kapalapitu             563
17  Dende Piongan Napo       1.147
18  Awan Rante Karua       755
19  Rindingallo            906
20  Buntu Pepasan          869
21  Baruppu                806
    Total                   19.613

Table 2: The characteristic of the buffalo cultivation based on
agro-ecosystem in the research location

List                        Note

Agro-ecosystem              Rice fields and coffee plantation
Total of farmer each group  30
Owner                       3-5 heads
Cage                        No cage
Feed                        Grass field
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Article Details
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Author:Suarda, Andi; Anshar, Muhammad; Darwis, Muhammad; Sudarsono,; Hasan, Syamsuddin; Juhanis
Publication:American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture
Article Type:Report
Geographic Code:9INDO
Date:Jan 1, 2017
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