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The John R. Commons Award.

Omicron Delta Epsilon was established in 1963 as a result of a merger of two honor societies: Omicron Delta Gamma (also known as The Order of Artus), founded in 1915 by Professor John R. Commons at the University of Wisconsin and Professor Frank W. Taussig at Harvard University; and Omicron Chi Epsilon, founded in 1956 by Professor Alan A. Brown when he was a student at the City College of New York. The John R. Commons Award, established in memory of Professor Commons is awarded biennially to an outstanding economist in recognition of academic achievements and for service both to the economics profession and to Omicron Delta Epsilon.

Previous recipients:

Evsey D. Domar of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1965

Arthur Smithies of Harvard University, 1967

Gerhard Tintner of the University of Southern California, 1969

Milton Friedman of the University of Chicago, 1971

Kenneth J. Arrow of Harvard University, 1973

Robert Solow of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1975

William S. Baumol of Princeton and New York Universities, 1977

Abram Bergson of Harvard University, 1979

Arnold Zellner of the University of Chicago, 1981

Dale Jorgenson of Harvard University, 1983

Kenneth E. Boulding of the University of Colorado, 1985

Gary Becker of the University of Chicago, 1987

Martin Feldstein of the National Bureau of Economics Research, 1989

Douglass C. North of Washington University, 1991

Robert Eisner of Northwestern University, 1993

Jagdish Bhagwati of Columbia University, 1995

Walter Adams of Trinity University (Texas) and Michigan State University, 1997

Paul A. Samuelson of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999

Victor R. Fuchs of Stanford, University, 2001

Irma Adleman of University of California, Berkeley, 2003

Benjamin Friedman of Harvard University, 2005

Rachel McCulloch of Brandeis University, 2007

Claudia Goldin of Harvard University, 2009

Peter Diamond of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011

Michael Szenberg of Pace University, 2012

Daniel S. Hamermesh, University of Texas at Austin, 2014

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Title Annotation:awards to professors
Publication:American Economist
Article Type:Awards list
Geographic Code:1USA
Date:Mar 22, 2015
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