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Testing complete.

Nuova Solmine, recently completed testing on a new DuPont MECS ZeCor Final Absorption Tower (FAT), designed and installed by DuPont Clean Technologies, at its double absorption sulfuric acid plant in Scarlino, Italy. The MECS ZeCor alloy tower with MECS UniFlo Acid distributor and MECS Brink SCII Plus mist eliminators performed well below local regulator emissions limits (35 mg/Nm3) and acid mist also measured considerably below contractual performance guarantee (30 mg/Nm3).

DuPont Clean Technologies was awarded the turnkey contract to design, execute, supply and erect a replacement tower made of lightweight and corrosion-resistant MECS ZeCor alloy in July 2017.

"We wanted to replace our old final absorption tower with a highly efficient new tower that would guarantee constant reliable emissions control and not require as much maintenance as the last one did," said Gabriele Pazzagli, Scarlino site manager, Nuova Solmine. "DuPont Clean Technologies could not only offer a performance and mechanical guarantee but also could help us to limit lost production time through a definite delivery and installation schedule."

From start to finish the complete project took 11 months with the replacement of the old brick-lined tower taking place during a planned plant turnaround in August 2018.

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Title Annotation:INSTALLATIONS
Date:Nov 1, 2019
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