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Stock futures prices.

TOKYO, Oct. 21 Kyodo

Tokyo Stock Exchange's Topix

Contract Close Volume

term (point) Comparison (units)

Dec 2013 1,215.0 UP 8.0 33,859

Mar 2014 - - -

Jun 2014 - - -

(One unit: Topix times 10,000)

Osaka Securities Exchange's

Nikkei 225 Index

Contract Close Volume

term (yen) Comparison (units)

Dec 2013 14,710 UP 120 38,356

Mar 2014 14,710 UP 120 428

Jun 2014 14,570 UP 70 0

(One unit: 225-Index times 1,000)

Nikkei 225 Option Closing Prices on

Osaka Securities Exchange

Standard Option Prices (Yen)

Prices (Yen) (Nov) UP/DN (Dec) UP/DN

Put 14,375 120 DN 40 310 DN 40

14,500 160 DN 40 355 DN 45

14,625 205 DN 60 425 DN 50

Call 14,375 435 UP 75 605 UP 30

14,500 360 UP 85 555 UP 80

14,625 280 UP 60 470 UP 60

Volume: Put 32,125 Call 42,053

(One unit: Option Prices time 1,000)
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Publication:Japan Weekly Monitor
Geographic Code:9JAPA
Date:Oct 21, 2013
Previous Article:Sept. convenience store sales slip for 3rd straight month.
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