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Shalom Chaver!

Literary critic Adam Kirsch is reading a page of Talmud a day, along with Jews around the world.

Since I began the Daf Yomi cycle, I've been wondering how accurately the Talmud reflects the actual practices of the Jews of its time. The rabbis in the Talmudic academies spent their lives learning the complex laws governing everything from Sabbath boundaries to ritual sacrifices, and even they often disagree on the exact scope of those laws. How could the average Jewish farmhand or wagon driver be expected to know all the details, much less to observe them? The question is especially interesting for modern American Jews, who generally don't observe Jewish law very carefully, but still see themselves as part of a Jewish community. Was it the same for our ancestors in ancient Babylonia?

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Author:Kirsch, Adam
Publication:Tablet Magazine
Date:May 31, 2019
Previous Article:Trapped in the Annex.
Next Article:Avigdor Lieberman's Risky Bet.

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