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Russia ready to assist Kyrgyzstan in preparation for veterinary and phytosanitary standards within Customs Union.

Director of the State Inspectorate of Sanitary, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Security of Kyrgyzstan Azizbek Shakirov met with Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance of Russia Yevgeny Nepoklonov, the press service of the Kyrgyz State Inspectorate reported today.

During the talks, Nepoklonov mentioned Russia's interest to create a buffer zone, and its intention to provide financial assistance to Kyrgyzstan.

He continued that Russia supports governmental reforms in Kyrgyzstan, and recalled that Kyrgyzstan's accession to the Customs Union is being considered.

Yevgeny Nepoklonov assured that the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance will support Kyrgyzstan in preparation for veterinary and phytosanitary standards within the Customs Union, as well as in the delivery of biologics.

He highlighted Kyrgyzstan will be able to share its experience with the Russian counterparts, receive training and improve skills in Russia.

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Publication:AKIpress News Agency
Geographic Code:4EXRU
Date:Mar 17, 2014
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