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Reform man 'not a racist'. General Election 2024.

A REFORM UK campaigner who was caught on camera calling Rishi Sunak a racial slur has apologised for his remarks but insisted he was "goaded" into making them.

Andrew Parker said "of course" he regrets the language he used, but claimed it was just "typical chaps-down-the-pub talk" in "the heat of the moment".

Mr Parker was recorded by an undercover Channel 4 reporter saying that migrants crossing the English Channel should be used as "target practice" and using an offensive term to refer to the Prime Minister.

Party leader Nigel Farage subsequently used reports that the canvasser was a part-time actor to suggest the "whole episode does not add up".

Mr Farage has sought to distance himself from the comments, saying he was "dismayed" by the "appalling sentiments" expressed.

Speaking yesterday Mr Parker confirmed he worked as an actor but suggested it was separate to the volunteering he had done for the party. He said: "Of course I regret what I said. I'm old school. Christ, I'm not a racist. I've had Muslim girlfriends. It was typical chaps-down-the-pub talk."

The activist added: "Of course I'm sorry. They were off-the-cuff things that everyone says."

Asked why he had made the remarks, Mr Parker said: "It was in the heat of the moment. I was goaded on."

He suggested the undercover reporter had been "making jokes and bits and pieces" which were not included in the published footage, but would not expand on what he was claiming the journalist had said.

Channel 4 has said it stands by its "rigorous and duly impartial journalism which speaks for itself ".

Mr Farage has previously faced questions over some Reform UK candidates and the party has withdrawn support for several people prior to the General Election after investigations uncovered remarks they had made previously.

But others who have been criticised for their language have retained Reform's backing, including Leslie Lilley, standing in Southend East and Rochford, who reportedly said he would "slaughter" migrants and "have their families taken out".

On Thursday, the Reform leader claimed his candidates "in most cases" were "just speaking like ordinary folk".

Rishi Sunak said the racial slur against him "hurts".

Speaking on a campaign visit to a school on Teesside yesterday, Mr Sunak said: "My two daughters have to see and hear Reform people who campaign to Nigel Farage calling me an effing P***. It hurts and it makes me angry, and I think he has some questions to answer.

"And I don't repeat those words lightly. I do so deliberately, because this is too important not to call out clearly for what it is."


Reform UK leader Nigel Farage Pic: Paul Marriott/PA Wire

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Publication:Evening Chronicle (Newcastle, England)
Geographic Code:4EUUK
Date:Jun 29, 2024
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