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Pub with a long history gets a new lease of life.

Byline: kathryn williams Reporter [email protected]

IT MAY be the second oldest pub in the country, but The Old House 1147 in Llangynwyd in the Llynfi Valley is still a pretty old place to have a pint.

The beautiful thatched-roof pub, which closed in 2015, has just reopened after having a total revamp, which has seen many of its original features uncovered - and it's now also a wedding venue which makes the most of the tranquil valley surroundings.

Steffan Jones, who co-owns the venue with his parents Sian and Jeff, has transformed the pub which has included uncovering fireplaces, flagstone walls and other original features covered in rendering - although the beautiful thatched roof has remained in place over the years.

Steffan, who used to run The Tap in Pyle, and his parents took on the pub in November 2016 and in May 2017 they started the renovations and building the wedding venue.

Jeff, a builder, did much of the work with local tradesmen and now, the place is open for business, as a pub and restaurant as well as a wedding venue.

"A lot of the features had been covered up and there was a lot of rendering everywhere," said Steffan. "There was lots of plasterboard, too and we just took it all away. Put new pointing on there."

And the work on The Old House isn't finished yet.

Steffan added: "(We've spent) in excess of seven figures and it's still growing. But the only thing left to work on now are the grounds."

There's already been one wedding at the venue and there are weddings booked through to August.

Those who aren't in the market for a wedding package can visit the Old House 1147 for a drinks or a meal at the restaurant.

"All our drinks are Welsh, spirits, real ales, cider and soft drinks."

The view of the Llynfi Valley is worth a visit alone.

Steffan adds: "We had someone from the Welsh Tourist Board come up and he was absolutely mesmerised by the place.

It's beautiful up here.

"It's one of the best pubs in Wales without a doubt. It's a really tranquil, peaceful place."

The Old House 1147 can be found in the village of Llangynwyd, which is built on a medieval commote and the village also has St Cynwyd which was built in the sixth century and has been restored several times.

The pub was founded in the 1100s and there's long been a discussion about what IS Wales' oldest pub. The Skirrid Inn near Abergavenny is said to have been founded in 1110, but there's no official confirmation of that, while the Blue Anchor in Aberthaw dates back to 1130.

The Llangynwyd pub also has a long association with the New Year tradition of the Mari Lwyd, Grey Mare.

The decorated horse's head is brought to the pub every New Year's Eve.

And it is connected with the traditional Welsh love story, The Maid of Cefn Ydfa, based on the ill-fated romance of lowly poet Wil Hopcyn and wealthy Ann Thomas from Llangynwyd.

In 2001 then-landlord Richard David was awarded the Good Pub Guide's prize for the Best Whiskey Pub in the UK as the inn offered 350 different varieties.

Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor and David Bowie have also been listed among its patrons in the past.


How the pub looked when in closed in 2015

The new function room

The Old House 1147 has reopened after a major revamp old house 1147
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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:South Wales Echo (Cardiff, Wales)
Date:Jun 14, 2019
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