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Promoting nonprofit philanthropy, innovation online.

Kintera, Inc., and, offer two examples of how corporate America continues to underscore the importance of the nonprofit community. has teamed with the Center for Social Innovation at Stanford University's Graduate School of Business to recognize nonprofit organizations for innovative, breakthrough solutions to community problems. This month, will select 10 finalists for the most effective and compelling programs. Then from July 19 to September 30, customers can make direct online contributions to their favorite organizations. The organization that receives the largest total contribution from customers will receive a matching grant from the online bookseller. For more information, visit

Kintera, Inc., has launched a Web site to promote support of nonprofit organizations. Located at, the Communities of Giving Web site enables consumers to connect with 100,000 organizations. Nonprofit groups can contact [email protected] to add information about their volunteer opportunities to the site. The site also features nearly 600 "Causezines" created by individuals advocating for specific causes.

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Publication:Association Management
Article Type:Brief article
Geographic Code:1USA
Date:Jun 1, 2005
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