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New building in old San Juan.

Old San Juan's urban topography is about to undergo a slight tweaking over the next couple of years. San Cristobal Apartments, a gargantuan building dating to 1912, is headed for demolition due to its seriously deteriorated condition and in its place Fernando L. Sumaza & Co. Inc. will develop a new rental building. It will remain a Section 8 building so as to maintain the "integration of social classes" so vital to old San Juan, said Cristina Sumaza, business development director, reports News Is My Business (Feb. 16, 2015). The cost of the project is set at $19.4 million and it will generate 250 direct and indirect jobs. Demolition, expected to begin sometime in April, should take about four months followed by construction lasting 24 months. West Contractor will handle both phases.

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Title Annotation:PUERTO RICO
Publication:Caribbean Update
Article Type:Brief article
Geographic Code:1U0PR
Date:Apr 1, 2015
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