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Neptune Orient Lines (NOL).

Neptune Orient Lines (NOL), a global cargo transportation company based in Singapore, was recently voted Shipping Line of the Year at the International Freighting Awards hosted in London. The IFW Awards are associated with UK publication International Freighting Weekly. In February 2005, industry daily Lloyd's List also recognized NOL as Shipping Line of the Year, making their recent honor the second within the year. "NOL was felt to have adopted an intelligent utilization and yield management strategy, which will safeguard it when the business cycle turns. The judges were particularly impressed with NOL's service-minded approach to its customers," said the IFW judging panel. NOL is the parent company of global container transportation provider APL and supply chain management specialist APL Logistics.

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Title Annotation:gets Shipping Line of the Year award
Publication:Business Mexico
Article Type:Brief Article
Geographic Code:9SING
Date:Dec 1, 2005
Previous Article:40 years in the vanguard.
Next Article:Sterling Commerce.

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