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Legal-Bid Protest Ruling: OnSite Sterilization, LLC.

B-405395 October 25, 2011

OnSite Sterilization, LLC, of Pottstown, Pennsylvania, protests the award of a contract to San-I-Pak Pacific, of Tracy, California, under request for quotations (RFQ) No. VA-246-11-RQ-0298, issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) on a "brand name or equal" basis to acquire a medical waste compactor for the Hunter Holmes McGuire Veterans Affairs Center in Richmond, Virginia. The protester asserts that the VA improperly evaluated its proposal.

We deny the protest.

Categories: Bid Protest, Bid evaluation protests, Contract award protests, Eligibility determinations, Equipment contracts, Hazardous waste disposal, Purchase orders, Requirements definition, Small business set-asides, Solicitation specifications, Source selection, Technical proposal evaluation, Untimely protests, Waste management
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Publication:General Accounting Office Reports & Testimony
Geographic Code:1U5VA
Date:Nov 1, 2011
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