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Islamic investment funds in Pakistan yet to take-off?

The Islamic funds represent about 12% of the overall fund management industry in Pakistan. Introduction of Islamic funds has widened the industry's clientele by bringing a number of individuals in the investment bracket who were previously resistant to invest because of religious concerns. The first conventional investment fund was launched in Pakistan in 1962 while the first Islamic fund appeared 40 years later in 2002. Today the total assets under management of Islamic mutual funds in Pakistan are over Rs. 58 Billion. In Pakistan, all types of funds that are available in the conventional funds industry are also available on the Islamic side e.g. equity, money market, sovereign, corporate fixed income, index tracker, capital protected etc.

The KMI-30, the only Islamic index available in Pakistan which was launched in 2008, measures the performance of Sharjah compliant equity investments. The leading conventional index is KSE 100 Index. It is interesting to note that since its launch KMI-30 has consistently outperformed KSE 100.

The Dow Jones Islamic Market Pakistan Index (reviewed quarterly) measures the stock performance of companies traded in Pakistan that pass screens for compliance with Islamic principles. Calculation of the Dow Jones Islamic Market Pakistan Index began on October 27, 2006. The index is weighted by float-adjusted market capitalization which stood at PKR 330.3 Billion as of end of May, 2013.

According to official sources, the index had a price return of 44.69% during 2012.

According to news sources (May 2013), the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) has recently decided to establish a Shariah advisory board to guide Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs) and Islamic Capital Markets in their transactions. The board would also be responsible for undertaking educational activities for understanding Shariah principles and introduction and implementation of new models and products based on international research. The nine members of board of the SECP will include prominent Ulema, a jurist, an accountant and representatives of the commission.

The Islamic funds industry is still going through its nascent stage. Awareness about Islamic investment funds will help in capital mobilization, considering the industry's huge growth potential. Information dissemination about the transparence of selection criteria can be an important step forward. Islamic funds industry is still evolving, developing and growing with new players entering the market.

In Pakistan, where Islamic Funds represent only 12% of the Funds Management Industry, there is still a long way for Islamic Industry to go.

New Entrant in the Market ABL AMC launches Islamic Stock Fund

ABL Islamic Stock Fund (ABL-ISF) is the newest addition to ABL Asset Management's product portfolio. ABL-ISF is the second Islamic mutual fund being launched from ABL's platform, after ABL Islamic Income Fund in 2010. The fund will be available through all branches of Allied Bank and ABL Asset Management from the second week of June.

The objective of ABL-ISF is to provide higher risk adjusted returns through capital gains and dividends by investing in a diversified portfolio of equity instruments, permissible under the Shariah principles. This fund will be benchmarked against the KMI-30 index, which has outperformed its peers by a very wide margin ever since this index was launched in 2008.

This fund is targeted to investors with a medium to long term horizon such as retirement funds, insurance companies, high-net worth individuals etc. who would like to diversify their investments and enhance portfolio returns in a Shariah compliant manner with the flexibility to redeem at any time.

Eminent religious scholar Mufti Irshad Ahmed Aijaz, who is the Shariah Advisor of Fortune Islamic Services and resident Shariah Advisor of Bank Islami Limited, is the Shariah Advsior of ABL-ISF.
Islamic Investment Fund in Pakistan

Assets under Management in April 2013

(PKR mn)

Islamic Aggressive Fixed Income

United Islamic Income Fund               490

NAFA Islamic Aggressive Income Fund      163

KASB Islamic Income Opportunity Fund     507

Islamic Money Marked

Meezan Cash Fund                       6,505

HBL Islamic Money Market Fund            428

HBL Islamic dish Fund                    165

Islamic Income

UBL Islamic Sovereign Fund             4,155

MCB Islamic Income Fund                3,167

Atlas Islamic Income Fund                639

Askari Islamic Income Fund               711

NAFA Riba Free Savings Fund            1,430

Meezan Islamic Income Fund             2,164

Meezan Sovereign Fund                 20,053

Favsal Islamic Savings Growth Fund       784

Ktl Islamic Income Fund                  148

Pak Oman Advantage Islamic Income        286

ABL Islamic Income Fund                1,171

Islamic Balanced Fund

NAFA Islamic Multi Asset Fund            385

First Habib Islamic Balanced Fund        300

Islamic Capital Protected Fund

Meezan Capital Protected Fund-II         489

Islamic Equity

JS Islamic Fund                          327

Atlas Islamic Stock Fund                 845

Meezan Islamic Fund                    7,687

HBL Islamic Stock Fund                   404

Al-Meezan Mutual Fund                  2,021

UBL Shariah Stock Fund                 1,336

Islamic Index Tracker

K5E Meezan Index Fund                    618

Islamic Asset Allocation

Pak Int. Element Islamic Fund            177

Askari Islamic Asset Allocation Fund     161

Alfalah GHP Islamic Fund                 354

Dawood Islamic Fund                       --

Pak Oman Advantage Islamic Fund          128

Total Assets under Management         58,197

Source: ABL AMC

KMI-30 Performance

2009   105%
2010    39%
2011     6%
2012    45%

Source: Karachi Stock Exchange

Note: Table made from bar graph.

Returns Comparison since KM1-30 Inception

KSE-30     58.8%
KSE-100   125.3%
KMI-30    218.1%

Source: Karachi Stock Exchange

Note: Table made from bar graph.

Sector Allocation

Consumer Goods    33.62%

Oil & Gas         31.33%

Industrials       19.75%

Basic Materials   10.95%

Health Care        3.26%

Financials         1.09%

Fact Sheet, Dow Jones Islamic Market[TM] Pakistan Index May, 2013
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Comment:Islamic investment funds in Pakistan yet to take-off?(ISLAMIC INVESTMENT / FUND MANAGEMENT)
Publication:Economic Review
Article Type:Statistical data
Geographic Code:9PAKI
Date:Jun 1, 2013
Previous Article:Pakistan's energy crisis.
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