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Internet Titans will team to detect terrorist content.

As recently reported by Bloomberg News, four Internet giants are teaming to improve their efforts in removing terrorist-related content from their services. Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, and YouTube have agreed to create a shared database of the most extreme terrorist images and videos they've removed. Facebook will host the database, which will store a unique digital fingerprint generated by a cryptographic algorithm (called a "hash") for each item.

Subsequently, all videos and photos that are uploaded to any of these four services will have its hash checked against the database. If there's a match to a hash that's already stored, the database will set in motion a process for the content's possible removal, according to a statement provided by Facebook.

Facebook asserts that because the database stores only the hash --and not the actual image or video-no personally identifiable information will be shared among companies.

Western governments have been pressuring the companies to do more to combat such content from terrorist and far-right organizations. The European Commission recently said that time is running out for these U.S. tech companies to prove they're serious about confronting hate speech. In fact, German officials have threatened to file criminal charges against Facebook for neglecting to curb such content from neo-Nazi affiliated groups.

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Title Annotation:CYBERSECURITY
Publication:Information Management Journal
Article Type:Brief article
Geographic Code:1USA
Date:Mar 1, 2017
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