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Interjet, the new low-cost Mexican airline, has recently signed a contract with Airbus. This agreement will allow for the acquisition of ten A320s with flights beginning in the second semester of 2007. Each airplane has a capacity of 150 passengers in a comfortable and unique configuration. "We are delighted and proud to participate in the expansion of the Mexican air transport industry and we are convinced that the A320 will contribute to the commercial success of Interjet in Mexico," said Gustav Humbert, president and CEO of Airbus. With low operation costs and a high level of passenger comfort, the A320 is the low-cost airline industry's best low-cost option.

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Title Annotation:new Mexican airline company's deal with Airbus
Publication:Business Mexico
Article Type:Brief Article
Geographic Code:4EUFR
Date:Dec 1, 2005
Previous Article:Grupo Modelo.
Next Article:Mexico's premier airline.

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