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Holding Obama Accountable for Syria.

Like so much else in the last two years, the three-week political Sturm und Drang over American troops' withdrawal from Syria says less about a fissuring present and more about a fractured past. Donald Trump's now-modified withdrawal order (four months, not 30 days, unless he changes his mind again) was another sloppy policy move, but one that's widely misunderstood. Media chatter aside, Trump's pullout represents not a new direction in foreign affairs but a coarse coda to a decade of institutional error that we need to understand before we can repair.

The central fact behind the withdrawal has been often stated but never explained. There were between 2,000 and 4,000 non-combat-assigned troops in the region, so why yank them out now? And that's exactly the point. No matter the proximate cause behind Trump's decisionthe conversation with Erdogan, an isolationist sop to his base, an impulse movekeeping or leaving the troops made absolutely no difference in the bigger scheme.

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Author:Peretz, Martin
Publication:Tablet Magazine
Geographic Code:7SYRI
Date:Jan 10, 2019
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