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Dixie Crows.

One more note on the Dixie Crow Regional Technical Symposium held in March. This year included representatives of the international air forces. Allied symposium participants included Capt. Jennifer K Miklos and Capt. Lawrence David Hickford of the Canadian Forces; Majors Mohamed Mokhtar Mohamed Hamed, Tamer Hamdy Hussein, and Mohamed El Hamahmy, and Capt. Wael Hussein Taha Abou El Fadl, all of the Egyptian Air Force; Maj. Shay Gava of the Israeli Air Force; Lt. Col. Utata Nobuaki of the Japan Air Self Defense Force; Sq. Ldr. Imran Asad of the Pakistan Air Force; Col. Abdullah Al Balushi, Maj. Khalid Al Fahdi, Capt. Saeed Al Hajri, Capt. Bader Al Noamani, and Capt. Saleh Al Harasi of the Royal Air Force of Oman; Sq. Ldr. Peter Miller and Flt. Lt. Justin Diamond of the Royal Australian Air Force; Lt. Col. Hamad A. Alnoaimi and Maj. Ali K. Hazeen of the Royal Bahrain Air Force; Lt. Col. Mohammad Jankhout and ILt. Ala Al-Braikat of the Royal Jordanian Air Force; Wally Rundberg and Maj. Dave Kodde Royal of the Netherlands Air Force; John Wilberg, Jorgen Brevick, and B.J. Bentsen of the Royal Norwegian Air Force; and Maj. Mohammed Al-Mizaini of the Royal Saudi Air Force.... At the May Monthly Membership Meeting, the speaker was Col. Art Huber, commander, 542nd Electronic Warfare Sustainment Wing. Col. Huber briefed on the Techniques Analysis, and Applications Office, a new organization being proposed under OSD sponsorship to ensure that the best possible electronic attack techniques are developed and implemented throughout all of the Services.... Dixie Crow Chapter welcomed new members Sherrl Coonfield, Wayne Hall, Ty Peacock, Lt. Dave Pina, Todd Pish, Lt. Marcus Rodriguez, Regina Strickland, Emilio Torres, Victoria Truong, and Philip West.... It's not all work and no play down in Dixie; about 40 Dixie Crows and friends gathered in the parking lot of the Macon Arena to partake of a tailgate party prior to attending the Macon Knights arena football game. For only the price of admission into the game, folks were able to enjoy both football and a scrumptious meal and drinks.

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Article Details
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Publication:Journal of Electronic Defense
Article Type:Brief article
Geographic Code:1USA
Date:Sep 1, 2005
Previous Article:Distance-measuring and interferometric techniques.
Next Article:Windy City chapter.

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