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Cop in Poppi case may still be disciplined.


A SENIOR detective who retired after the botched Poppi Worthington probe could yet face disciplinary action, it has emerged.

John Woodcock MP said new rules could bring ex-Det Supt Mike Forrester before a misconduct panel.

He stepped down before the police watchdog found he had a case to answer.

Barrow MP Mr Woodcock said: "I hope new regulations can be applied to those who failed her in that appallingly botched police investigation."

An inquest found Poppi, 13 months, was abused by dad Paul Worthington, 50, before she died at home in Barrow, Cumbria, in 2012.

Police errors mean he is unlikely to be prosecuted.

Mr Forrester said last year he was "truly sorry" about the investigation.


ERRORS Mike Forrester

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Publication:The Mirror (London, England)
Date:Jan 20, 2018
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