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Conspire opens professional network to all users.


Conspire said that it is opening up access to its network to anyone with an email account that supports the common IMAP protocol.

Conspire's network has grown to reach more than 36 million people solely from users of Gmail and Google Apps email accounts, and has grown by more than one million people weekly over the last three months.

In addition to expanding access to its network, Conspire is now also the first ever crowd-sourced professional network with the addition of editable profiles. Every user will now have the ability to edit the profiles of the people in their network, including updating work history, links to social profiles, and photos.

Conspire securely analyzes a user's To, From, Cc, Bcc and Date email headers--equivalent to the outside of the envelope--to determine how well a user knows each of their contacts and how well those contacts, in turn, know their own contacts. With this understanding, Conspire gives users intelligent access to their actual professional network to create more meaningful connections.

To find out more, visit

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Publication:Internet Business News
Article Type:Brief article
Geographic Code:1USA
Date:Feb 26, 2015
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