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Check out ACA's New 'Explore Coatings' Video and Web Hub!

This spring, ACA launched a new Explore Coatings video and web hub as a part of its efforts to raise the profile of the coatings industry and help recruit the next generation of its workforce. Anchoring this initiative is the short video, which features industry members talking excitedly about the expansive nature of coatings with themes of sustainability, diversity, social impact, and answering growing technology challenges, with a call to action to Explore Coatings!

ACA is particularly eager to connect this message with STEM students to emphasize that careers in the coatings offer variety and a way to make an impact. This includes solving today's commercial challenges through science; transforming everyday life products and critical infrastructure with color, durability, and sustainability in mind; working collabora-tively on innovative solutions to maximize performance while minimizing environmental impact; and in carrying out this work, changing lives.

The web hub also offers points of connection for this target audience with an online Career Center job board; complimentary association membership; profiles of universities with programs for coatings science; and numerous examples of myriad applications of coatings and how they support sustainability.

The Explore Coatings outreach is starting on ACA's Facebook and LinkedIn platforms, where you may follow the journey as the effort expands. Check out the video and hub at

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Title Annotation:American Coatings Association
Geographic Code:1USA
Date:May 1, 2024
Next Article:ACA and PaintCare Submit Universal Waste Petition to EPA.

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