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Now 1-3: CAPC National Seminar on Palliative Care, Miami

Topics will range from Joint Commission certification, financial analysis techniques, adult and pediatric care across the continuum, the mental health-palliative care interface, and many more. Visit

Nov. 8: 'Where Does Health Care Go from Here?' Washington, D.C.

Two days after the elections, the Institute for Healthcare improvement will convene hospital and other health care leaders, as well as such thought leaders as Donald Berwick, M.D., NBC's Nancy Snyderman, M.D., and former U.S. Sens. Tom Daschle and Bill Frist to discuss the outcome of the vote and what it means for the future of health care. Visit


Nov. 8-9: Samueli Institute Conference, Alexandria, Va.

Carolyn Clancy, M.D., director of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, will be the keynote speaker at the Samueli Institute's conference, "Patients at the Crossroads: Reconciling Patient-Centered Care, Evidence-Based Practice and Integrative Medicine." Ian Morrison, futurist and author, will moderate the meeting. For additional information, visit

Dec. 5-6: Predictive Modeling Summit, Washington, D.C.

Among the topics will be predictive analytics to identify and guide interventions for patients at risk for hospital readmissions, and strategies for new payment structures such as value-based purchasing and accountable care. Visit

For a more comprehensive conference calendar, visit

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Article Details
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Title Annotation:people & business
Publication:H&HN Hospitals & Health Networks
Article Type:Brief article
Geographic Code:1USA
Date:Oct 1, 2012
Previous Article:Ochsner Health System.

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