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Calendar listings are provided by the Convention and Education Department of the AOC as a service to its members. All requests for mention or listing in this section must be addressed to the AOC rather than to the editorial staff at JED, The Journal of Electronic Defense.


ELINT and Modern Signals Course

Sept. 13-16, 2005

Sponsor: AOC. Place: AOC HQ, Alexandria, VA.

Wavelets: A Conceptual, Practical Approach Course

Sept. 20-22, 2005

Sponsor: AOC. Place: AOC HQ, Alexandria, VA.

Phased Array Radar and EW Course

Sept. 27-29, 2005

Sponsor: AOC. Place: AOC HQ, Alexandria, VA.

EW Track for ASNE Symposium

Sept. 20-22, 2005

Sponsor: ASNE/AOC Crane Roost. Place: Bloomington, IN Classification: Sept. 22 Track is Secret, NOFORN.


Writing Solid CONOPS for US Government Programs and Projects Course

Oct. 4-6, 2005

Sponsor: AOC. Place: AOC HQ, Alexandria, VA.

4th Multinational Passive Covert Radar Conference (PCR 2005)

Oct. 5-7, 2005

Sponsor: AOC. Place: Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY. Classification: Two days unclassified and one day Secret (USA, CAN, AUS, and GBR) at AFRL Rome, NY.

Off Board Countermeasures Course

Oct. 11-13, 2005

Sponsor: AOC. Place: AOC HQ, Alexandria, VA.

42nd Annual International Symposium and Convention

Oct. 23-26, 2005

Sponsor: AOC. Place: Virginia Beach Convention Center, VA.

Introduction to Electronic Defense Systems

Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2005

Sponsor: AOC. Place: AOC HQ, Alexandria, VA.


UAV/UCAV Conference

Nov. 15-16, 2005

Sponsor: AOC. Place: Northrop Grumman, Fairfax, VA

For AOC-sponsored events, contact: AOC headquarters at 888.OLD.CROW/+703.549.1600 or visit All events are unclassified, unless otherwise indicated.

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Publication:Journal of Electronic Defense
Article Type:Calendar
Date:Sep 1, 2005
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