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Publications in Human resources and labor relations

1-26 out of 26 publication(s)
Publication Audience Format Latest Issue Articles
Australian Bulletin of Labour Trade Magazine/Journal Mar 1, 2017
Career Development Quarterly Trade Magazine/Journal Dec 1, 2023
Communication World Trade Magazine/Journal Feb 1, 2014
Directors & Boards Professional Magazine/Journal Mar 22, 2024
  • The Unhappiest Succession on Earth?
  • Director Index.
  • Ron Bloom, government economic advisor, joins the board of Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.
  • BWT Technologies board adds Nicole W. Piasecki, aerospace and defense industry veteran.
  • DIRECTORS ROSTER: A quarterly record of new director appointments.
  • Paths and Implications for Navigating CEO Transitions: A departing CEO's pay structure depends on the role they will assume once their successor...
  • Who's In Control Here? The Delaware Supreme Court reminds boards to act in the interests of all stockholders first, especially in situations...
  • FIVE ESSENTIAL STEPS for Boards Conducting INTERNAL INVESTIGATIONS: Effective board oversight of an internal investigation can ensure the best result...
  • DO-GOODISM ... or Just Good Business? What are boards' top concerns when it comes to ESG strategy and governance?
  • THE DIRECTOR'S AI CHECKLIST: Know how AI will affect everything from employee productivity to talent concerns to supply chain.
  • A NEW INVESTOR PARADIGM AND THE CORPORATE BOARD: The system-level considerations of investors as well as the expectations of corporate behavior are...
  • The Transition from SUCCESSION to PERFORMANCE ACCELERATION in the C-Suite: Part of ensuring a healthy pipeline to the office of CEO is monitoring the...
  • How Involved Should a New CEO Be in BOARD RECRUITMENT? CEOs are a crucial part of the board recruitment process, but collaboration with stakeholders...
  • Who Should Be on the CEO SEARCH COMMITTEE? Members of the CEO search committee should hold certain titles, but they should also possess particular...
  • Should a Departing CEO REMAIN ON THE BOARD? What does it take for a new CEO to make the relationship work when their predecessor stays on as a...
  • Should a CEO Choose Their SUCCESSOR? No one has a deeper knowledge of how the company works than the sitting CEO, but the board should steer the...
  • THE ABCs OF CEO SUCCESSION: The former CEO of Lockheed Martin on the do's and don'ts of ensuring a fruitful transition between chief executives.
  • IS THE SUPERSTAR CEO REALLY WORTH IT? How do you fairly evaluate and compensate a leader whose vision has led to extreme company success?
  • #CorpGov: What's Trending.
  • 3534
    Employee Relations (Emerald Group Publishing) Trade Magazine/Journal Nov 1, 1996
    Employment Relations Today Trade Magazine/Journal Mar 22, 1996
    Human Resources Management for the Hospitality Industry, 2nd ed. Academic Textbook Jan 1, 2001
    ILR Review Trade Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2002
  • Striking a Bargain: Work and Industrial Relations in England, 1815-1865. (History).
  • Social and Economic Transformation in East Central Europe: Institutions, Property Relations and Social Interests. (International and Comparative...
  • Trade Union Activists, East and West: Comparisons in Multinational Companies. (International and Comparative Industrial Relations).
  • Colonialism, Nationalism, and the Institutionalization of Industrial Relations in the Third World. (International and Comparative Industrial...
  • Facing up to Thatcherism: The History of NALGO, 1979-93. (International and Comparative Industrial Relations).
  • The Global Economy, National States, and the Regulation of Labour. (International and Comparative Industrial Relations).
  • Compensation in Organizations: Current Research and Practice. (Human Resources, Management, and Personnel).
  • Commitment to Full Employment: The Economics and Social Policy of William S. Vickrey. (Labor Economics).
  • The Impact of International Trade on Wages. (Labor Economics).
  • A Working Nation: Workers, Work, and Government in the New Economy. (Labor Economics).
  • Workers' Compensation: Benefits, Costs, and Safety under Alternative Insurance Arrangements. (Economic and Social Security and Substandard Working...
  • Worker Activism after Successful Union Organizing. (Labor-Management Relations).
  • Employment Relations in France: Evolution and Innovation. (Labor-Management Relations).
  • Contests for Corporate Control: Corporate Governance and Economic Performance in the United States and Germany. (Industrial Relations Theory).
  • Reflections on six decades in industrial relations: An interview with John Dunlop.
  • Adolescent workers in third world export industries: Attitudes of young Brazilian shoemakers.
  • Determinations of firm workplace health and safety and claims management practices.
  • Work safety in the context of temporary employment: The spanish experience.
  • Why do contractors contract? The experience of highly skilled technical professionals in a contingent labor market.
  • When unions "mattered": The impact of strikes on financial markets, 1925-1937.
  • 1351
    International Journal of Manpower Trade Magazine/Journal Jul 1, 1997
    Journal of Employment Counseling Professional Magazine/Journal Dec 1, 2011
    Journal of Human Resources Academic Magazine/Journal Sep 22, 1999
    Journal of Managerial Issues Trade Magazine/Journal Dec 22, 2023
    Journal of Managerial Psychology Trade Magazine/Journal Jul 1, 1997
    Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development Professional Magazine/Journal Oct 1, 2011
    Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology Professional Magazine/Journal Jun 1, 2007
    Labour/Le Travail Academic Magazine/Journal Mar 22, 2024
  • Jean-Yves Frétigné, To Live Is to Resist: The Life of Antonio Gramsci, translated by Laura Marris.
  • Jim Silver, Scoundrels and Shirkers: Capitalism and Poverty in Britain.
  • Rob McKenzie and Patrick Dunne, El Golpe: US Labor, the CIA, and the Coup at Ford in Mexico.
  • Robert B. McKersie, A Field in Flux: Sixty Years of Industrial Relations.
  • Robert Forrant and Mary Anne Trasciatti, eds., Where are the Workers? Labor's Stories at Museums and Historic Sites.
  • Sheryllynne Heggerty, Ordinary People, Extraordinary Times: Living the British Empire in Jamaica, 1756.
  • Andrew C. McKevitt, Gun Country: Gun Capitalism, Culture & Control in Cold War America.
  • William C. Pratt, After Populism: The Agrarian Left on the Northern Plains, 1900-1960.
  • Jonathan Clapperton and Liza Piper, Environmental Activism on the Ground: Small Green and Indigenous Organizing.
  • Centre d'histoire des régulations sociales (CHRS), Déjouer la fatalité : pauvreté, familles, institutions.
  • Catherine E. Connelly, Enduring Work: Experiences with Canada's Temporary Foreign Worker Program.
  • Lise Vogel, Le marxisme et l'oppression des femmes. Vers une théorie unitaire.
  • Luke Taylor, Constructing the Family: Marriage and Work in Nineteenth- Century English Law.
  • Mara Montanaro, Théories féministes voyageuses. Internationalisme et coalitions depuis les luttes latino- américaines.
  • Eric Fillion, Distant Stage: Quebec, Brazil, and the Making of Canada's Cultural Diplomacy.
  • Mary Jane Logan McCallum, Nii Ndahlohke: Boys' and Girls' Work at Mount Elgin Industrial School, 1890-1915.
  • Andréane Gagnon, Regards croisés sur la grève d'Amoco à Hawkesbury, une histoire ouvrière de l'Ontario français.
  • Daniel Thibault et Isabelle Pelletier, Désobéir : le choix de Chantale Daigle, série télévisée, série originale.
  • Amanda Ricci, Countercurrents: Women's Movements in Postwar Montreal.
  • Longshore Labour and Radicalism.
  • 2571
    Management Quarterly Trade Magazine/Journal Dec 22, 2010
    Monthly Labor Review Trade Magazine/Journal May 1, 2024
    People & Strategy Trade Magazine/Journal Sep 22, 2020
    Personnel Review Trade Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 1998
    Perspective General Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2006
    Research and Practice in Human Resource Management Academic Magazine/Journal Dec 1, 2012
    Risk Management Trade Magazine/Journal Apr 1, 2019
    Training Journal Trade Magazine/Journal Nov 1, 2008
  • L Vaughan Spencer: this month, the Gangsta Motivator urges you to look at yourself.
  • Praesta Partners.
  • Hints & tips: UK companies need to aspire to excellence if they are to withstand global competition, says Simon Feary.
  • Thinking tools: Debbie Carter focusses this month's exercises on seeing a relationship in different ideas or concepts.
  • Net check: in our series looking at the best of the web, Garry Platt finds a "scorcher" of a web site offering a range of practical training videos.
  • Super models: in a series of articles examining learning models, Dr Mike Clayton looks at Gardner's Multiple Intelligences--so many ways to succeed.
  • Relax into wealth: how to get more by doing less.
  • Anxiety at work: in the latest of our series looking at the emotions likely to be dealt with during coaching, Gladeana McMahon focusses on anxiety.
  • Tools of the trade: in a regular series, Carol Wilson identifies the tools and models frequently used during coaching projects. This month, she looks...
  • A business benefit? Making assessment centres strategic.
  • Intrapreneurship: leveraging organisational talent: Beverley Hamilton outlines how organisations can leverage talent by nurturing their intrapreneurs.
  • What 'type' of training do trainers like to deliver? TJ and Academy28 ran a survey into the behavioural preferences of trainers, what impact they...
  • Brand planning your career: in the second of a series examining how business processes can be applied to people development, Mike Barrett and Mark...
  • How to say no: saying 'no' can be a good thing, says Clare Forrest.
  • Talent management: in a new series looking at talent development and management, David Kesby examines the role of ethics.
  • Learning how to lead: Middlesex University has been shortlisted for a top award for a leadership development programme it ran last year for academics...
  • Passionate about work-based learning: youngsters taking the vocational route in Wales have a new champion fighting their corner. Elizabeth Eyre talks...
  • ICT training comes into focus for e-skills UK: the sector skills council's latest labour market review takes an in-depth look at the training...
  • Analysing the skills gap: top of the agenda at this year's Infobasis Skills Summit was the skills gap and how to close it. Rachael McGahern went...
  • Could do better: as the CIPD's spotlight fell once again on talent management, delegates were told that organisations' efforts were inadequate....
  • 958
    Training Media Review Trade Magazine/Journal Jan 1, 2009
    Workplace Violence Report General Report Jun 10, 2002

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